
ow. I've just returned from Firebird Lakes and the opening IHBA event for 2003. Charlie Fagan and company, thanks for the entertainment! Rex Childers piloting Jay Hartunians "Whiskey River 2" won Top Fuel Hydro. All I can say is the capsules really work! A total of nine Top Fuel Hydros were on hand at Charlie Allen's' place.

The biggest announcement lately is the addition of an AA/FA match race at IHRA's Canadian Nationals coming up in June. Talked to Dave Hough, the original driver of the "Nanook," on the computer a couple of days ago, and he and his family (wife, Linda and son, Rick) are ready to put on a fantastic show with the 2003 version of the famed "Nanook" racing T roadsters against old rival Don Green and the famed "Rat Trap." Ron Hope, who lives in Ohio and London, England, is the owner and driver of the "Rat Trap." This should give the Canadian fans something completely different to go crazy about. By the way Canadian fans, gotta say it -- Go Ducks!

We were going to have a race report on Sacramento Raceways first WCTA event this year, as it was to be along with the NHRA Division 7 points race, but Mother Nature stole the show. Actually it probably would have been a decent day in Sacramento Sunday but if you have ever been in the pits at Sacto after a major rainstorm, Dave Smith, and NHRA did the right thing. It would have been a good setting for an IHBA race. The entire grounds were totally soaked. This race is now scheduled in August, but unfortunately it's the same weekend as the Heartland Nationals, which I will attend for the very first time, as I have been invited by the Outlaw Nitro Alliance Pres John Dearmore. Robert Briggs, can you stand by?

Banning finally got their complete okay to get their racetrack going, so we at Drag Racing Online should be among the first to have pix of the long awaited beginning of this much needed facility. Mopar backing this effort of the Marocco family and friends has made this dream a reality. Congratulations are definitely in order. This has definitely pushed back the opening date quite a bit, as I understand that the Nopi Import race even moved to California Speedway's 1320. Does this mean that California Speedway is going to have some "open header " races?

Well, it looks like Mike Boyd and Al "Mousie" Marcellus are going to the NHRA Beech Bend Midwest Reunion. It was great to see everyone was behind that effort. This is one of the premier AA/FA's and the Midwest will really enjoy the awesome show this "real" Fuel Altered puts on. The more Mike gets seat time, the more he reminds me of "Wild Willie." Now if he can just master the one handed driving technique.

Pro Nitro is going to a basic "Match Race" set up, but they still will run Blown Bad Boys Eliminators. After thinking about it, Jerry and Donna Hutchcroft are going to run a one day/night event at Firebird on May 25. Jerry is going to try a few things differently: a Nostalgia Funny Car match race (Blue Angels Vette, Mike Adams vs. Flamed Fortune Godfrey & Close), and TED match up, Richard Schroeder's Focus This Jet, and wheel stander, and his new Import brackets along with Blown Bad Boy. Check with to be sure. Pro Nitro has really had a tough time getting a big enough crowd, so maybe this the answer. We really need the independents like the Hutchcrofts to be able to put on some interesting and different events. I'll make the journey, probably ridin' with Richard Schroeder and his awesome Jet.

I haven't got the "feedback" that I thought I'd get on the safety issue, a couple of e-mails, but please let us know, either here at or directly to me at Well, I'm ready for racing in any form or shape, so take care for now, and we'll be talkin' at you in June.

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Getting Nostalgic — 4/7/03
Should nostalgia cars slow down?



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