The father-son Top Fuel team of Dennis and David Baca unveiled the 2005 Murf McKinney-built dragster that David Baca will drive on the 23-race 2005 NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series.


"Our 2005 car reflects the drag racing commitment we are making this year," said David Baca. "Although we will begin the season as an independent, we want Corporate America to see that we are committed to not only presenting a first class operation visually, but one that can and will compete with the established players.

“We have crew chief Kevin Poynter and Jeff McGuire back from last year’s team and Larry Meyer and my dad will handle the tuning duties." Baca continued, "Our car was performing well at year-end and we hope that performance can continue with consistency throughout 2005.”

Before retiring from competition, Dennis Baca won two NHRA national event titles -- the U.S. Nationals at Indianapolis and the NHRA Finals at Ontario, Calif. -- both in 1977. [1-7-2005]


Pro Mod hero Scotty Cannon recently told the Agent he's pursuing a new career. Not only is he converting his old Cannon-Pittman racecar chassis shop in Lyman, SC into a high-performance boat shop and going into business with fuel-injection specialist Darrell Makins, he's becoming a teacher.

"I'm doing a deal now where if a guy has his own racecar and he's just getting started and wants to get everything dialed in, I'll go help him out," Cannon said. "He doesn't have to go to a school with 30 other people or go rent a car. He can take his own stuff and I'll go out and show him how to tune a clutch, how to go racing, at least how I know how to do it. And it may not be the best way, but it sure can't be the worst. We've proven that."

Look out Professor, here comes Teach. (Jeff Burk photo) [1-7-2005]


The Agent hears that the powers that be at NHRA are thinking of making portions of pay per view. No specifics as to what part of the website or when it might happen. Ah yes, developing "new revenue streams" is the catch phrase in business these days, isn't it? [1-7-2005]


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