The MSD unit worked as advertised on Alan
Johnson's 337 pass at Brainerd. The Agent has learned
from a very well placed source (not Alan Johnson; he didn't
call -- yet) that one of the reasons for the big speed
and ET from the Johnson-tuned Top Fueler at Brainerd was
the team has sorted through their supply of Goodyear Eagles
and found a pair that had about four or more inches of
rollout than the normal tire. There are some issues as
to how wheels are measured to meet the NHRA spec and,
the source suggests, perhaps the team had a pair of wheels
that were slightly narrower than the spec. A taller than
normal tire and a slightly narrower tire means more speed.
The source also insisted that the rev-limiter did work
on that lap but that it happened slightly past the four-second
mark. That problem was corrected with the new program installed
by MSD in the device at Memphis this past weekend. (Jeff
Burk photo) [8-25-2005]
The DRO editorial team of Jeff Burk, Matt Schramel and
Chris Martin are packing up the laptop computer and getting
ready for the overnight trip to the Quad Cities area to
Cordova Raceway Park in Cordova, IL. The guys will give
DRO readers special same day coverage of the Friday and
Saturday 52nd annual World Series of Drag Racing. The racing
is always good at this historic event. The professional
show begins at 7:00 p.m. both nights.
And our coverage is bound to be entertaining, since they're
leaving the copy editors back at the office. How many typos
can you find? (2004 photo by Jeff
Leonard) [8-25-2005]
are new guidelines announced by NHRA that will affect all
Top Fuel and Funny Car teams attending the U.S. Nationals
in Indianapolis.
"The MSD Ignition system (MSD 8971 Pro Mag Digital
Retard Control) on all Top Fuel and Funny Cars must have
the OEM connectors or supply NHRA Technical department with
proper adapter harness. If an ignition system is found with
a wiring system that does not match the OEM connector or
NHRA is not supplied with an attachment adapter, the qualifying
or elimination run will be disqualified." [8-25-2005]