In an effort to provide the best testing conditions possible
for teams preparing for the NHRA POWERade season opener
and the Pontiac Pro Stock Showdown, the Strip at Las Vegas
Motor Speedway is making the Last Chance Test Session
on Feb. 2-5 an invitation-only event for Top Alcohol,
Top Fuel and Pro Mod teams. Qualifying criteria is as
Top Alcohol Dragster and Top Alcohol Funny Car: Open
only to teams finishing in the top eight of their NHRA
divisional point standings or in the top 20 in national
standings. All cars will be required to make side-by-side
runs during their assigned sessions. Alcohol license runs
will not be permitted at this event.
Top Fuel Dragster and Funny Car: Open only to teams who
finished in the top 20 of the 2005 NHRA POWERade national
event standings or top 10 of the IHRA 2005 national event
standings. License runs for new drivers for these teams
will take place on Thursday, Friday and Sunday only. Please
call LVMS at (702) 632-8264 to pre-enter for the test
Pro Mods: Will be open only to teams finishing in the
top 10 of the 2005 NHRA AMS Staff Leasing Pro Mod Series.
Pro Mod teams will make side-by-side runs during assigned
Teams who do not meet the qualifying criteria are welcome
to test on either Monday, Feb. 6 or Tuesday, Feb. 7 as
part of the private track rental being organized by LVMS
or during the open test session to be held on Feb. 11-12.
Please contact Mark Dawson (702) 632-8264 or Ellen Wonnacott
(702) 632-8213 at The Strip for additional information.
Barbara Parks, wife of NHRA founder Wally Parks, passed
away on Jan. 25, 2006, after a long battle with cancer.
She was 82. Mrs. Parks was truly a partner with her husband
in the founding and growth of NHRA. Their relationship
began when she was secretary to Mr. Parks, who was editor
at Hot Rod magazine.
They worked together in beginning the National Hot Rod
Association in 1951 and continued as a team throughout
the years, most recently working with the Wally Parks
NHRA Motorsports Museum. They were married for more than
40 years. Arrangements are pending. [1-26-2006]