Here is a photo of John Powers' new "Sundance II" Nostalgia Funny Car. The Trans Am body was originally built by Donnie Reeves and as you can see has undergone extensive modifications. Powers hired Frank "Rootbeer" Hedges to tune and maintain the new flopper.

The testing was done at Speedworld Raceway Park in Phoenix, AZ. This is the car that Goodguys VRA Director Larry Westervelt said is "not VRA legal and will not run at the March Meet." (photo copyright Mark King/Nostalgia Funny Car News) [1-10-2006]


The Agent was forwarded a link to a video of this engine actually running. The Agent was blown away by the video and just the idea that someone could actually build a working desk model of a blown alky motor.

The guy that built this engine is a gearhead by the name of James Weber who machines and builds oil field components by day and scale blower motors by night. He told the Agent that it took him about five years to build this engine. He also said that he is currently working on a working Harley engine and he promises to give DRO the first peek of the Harley. You can see James Weber's website by clicking here. [1-10-2006]


The Agent got this photo of a new VRA-legal Fuel Coupe being put together by Danny Pisano, who is the nephew of Joe Pisano and the son of Joe’s brother Carmen. The Vega is being prepped for paint and will have a JP-2 Hemi for power. The Agent is very happy to see the Pisano family back in the Fuel Coupe community. [1-10-2006]


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