Drag Racing Online: The Magazine

Volume VIII, Issue 6, Page


Bret Kepner photo. What's the caption?

Send your best caption to backdoor@dragracingonline.com.

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After much debate, the winner is Jerry "G-Man" Gross of Pittsburgh, Pa., who submitted:

"After having little sucess on the WHRA (Wienermobile Hot Rod Association) circuit. The Oscar Meyer company decided it was time to get serious."

Getting Honorable Mentions are:

"Of course I'm not going to sit at your silly little table. With a nitro tank that large you need something more than ice when it lights off!" -- Simon Groves, Watford, UK

"Hell yea its got a hemi!" -- Mike Minick, Justice, IL

"It's sure hard to see around my flux capacitor reservoir. Thankfully, I've got those two periscopes!" --Tom Moore, San Jose, CA

"Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!!!!! Bar-B-Que Races!!! Fast Food on Nitro!!!" -- Steve Cody, Lakeside, Ca.

"Despite its proven horsepower advantage, nitromethane fueled barbeques left an unpleasant aftertaste in the grilled food, and what seemed to be such a promising business venture soon floundered. " -- Mike Gamache, Montreal,Canada

Got a good photo for the Back Door?

Snail mail your slide or photo to: At the Back Door, Drag Racing Online, 114 E. Elm St. #8, O'Fallon, MO 63366. [Photo won't be returned unless you include a self-addressed stamped envelope]. E-mail your digitized photo in JPEG format to backdoor@dragracingonline.com

Limit one photo per person per month, please.


At the Back Door [5-8-06]