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Just Wondering Again


ust Wondering. . Why do drag racers and their fans insist on poisoning the well? What I'm talking about is that after the recent drawback in racing by the CMKX folks, they got raked over the coals by some of the press and fans. What did those folks do wrong? All Urban Casavant did was to pay Paul Smith's team on a per race basis for over a half-season, perhaps spending as much as $500,000! Smith and driver Jeff Arend were lucky that they got the sponsorship and money to race even a half season. In addition, Mr. Casavant paid Jim Dunn's team in advance for a full season. And his reward from the fans and press for backing those two teams? He gets hammered by them when he no longer can afford to keep going. Shame on you guys!

Just Wondering. . . How can they say that ten-wide cars run on 10.5 wide tires and then make the tires 11.5 inches wide? It's time to stop the madness.

Just Wondering. . . With Torco (Evan Knoll) Race Fuels sponsoring and supporting so many Professional and Sportsman teams at the NHRA, including some of NHRA's brightest new faces, Melanie Troxel/Don Schumacher in Top Fuel car, Mike Ashley in Funny Car and Dave Connolly in Pro Stock, is it just a matter of time before the Torco/Don Schumacher steamroller gets the franchise as the official fuel supplier for NHRA? Maybe VP has a long-term contract with NHRA, but if they don't they should be very nervous.

Just Wondering. . .
How many of the nitro teams actually are purchasing and using nitro from VP -- the official fuel supplier for the NHRA -- at around $925 per barrel when they can buy nitro from Schumacher's operation at $200-$300 less per barrel?

Just Wondering. . . How much longer will Kenny Nowling's ADRL continue to support a separate class for the nitrous Pro Mods when few of those cars are supporting the ADRL? Many more attend a rival sanctioning body's events for significantly less money to qualify and to win. Obviously, money, guaranteed TV exposure and a magazine devoted to the series doesn't count for much with those racers.

Just Wondering. . . Is it just me or does everyone that leaves the Don
Prudhomme camp seem to end up working on a Don Schumacher team?

Just Wondering. . . How can the NHRA justify nixing Mike Kloeber's monostrut design after letting Don Garlits run one until 2003 at speeds over 300 mph?

Just Wondering. . . If NHRA forces racers who try to go as fast as they can but break parts and consequently oil the track in the process to take a break from racing until they can meet a minimum performance and breakage standard, shouldn't they also require the same for fuel cars that idle into a qualifying slot with double-digit times and no chance of making a representative lap? It seems to me to be unfair to penalize one and not the other.

Just Wondering. . . Is there a better Top End interview in drag racing right now than Warren Johnson or Dave Connolly? I don't always like what they say, but I always watch and am entertained.

Just Wondering. . . Considering the press and TV exposure Pro Stock is getting from staging duels, how long will it be before the number 16 Top Fuel qualifier and the number one have a similar staging duel? I predict a quick rule change the first time a Prudhomme, Bernstein or Schumacher car gets "burned down."

Just Wondering. . . Could the alliance between Don Schumacher and Evan Knoll become NHRA's worst nightmare? These two guys probably have more power, influence and money, and control more teams and sponsors than any other team owners currently involved in drag racing.

Just Wondering. . . If more name fuel drivers follow Ron Capps into Nostalgia Funny Car or fuel dragster ranks and that in turn brings more corporate sponsorship to those cars, would that really make the class better?

Just Wondering. . .
Wouldn't Bristol International Dragway be the perfect venue for NHRA's first eighth-mile or "short track" national event. After all, it is the site of the most famous NASCAR "short track" event and the event might benefit from some cross-marketing that way.

Just Wondering. . . Isn't it possible that TV could develop (or already has) a lens that would show a complete eighth-mile race from the stands without panning the camera?

Just Wondering. . . Why is it that the hardest working racers often seem to be the ones that can least afford to be so?

Just Wondering. . . Why are doorslammers forced by NHRA regs to roll the windows up before making a pass but NHRA has no problem allowing people to race driving an Altered or topless 'Vettes and Mustangs without windows?

Just Wondering. . . You think Ford Motor Company might be a little steamed by the fact that the NHRA season is over 50% completed and John Force -- thanks to NHRA tech -- is still racing a 2004 Mustang body?

Just Wondering. . . Is Mopar going to have the SS/AA shootout this year at the U.S. Nationals? So far I haven't heard a word about what has become my favorite event at the Nationals.

Just Wondering. . . Do you suppose the fact that there is a high-perf oil company in Los Angeles that's been in business since 1950 using the brand name Torco had anything to do with Evan Knoll changing the name of his company from Torco Race Fuels to eRaceFuels & Specialty Chemicals? Remember when Vince McMahon's WWF had to change its initials to WWE? The same laws probably applied in this case.

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Burk's Blast "the publisher's corner"  [7-14-05]
NHRA and IHRA need to adopt ten-wide for the future

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