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So many questions,
so few answers


ust Wondering. . .What exactly is the purpose or reason for putting the speeds for fuel cars up on the boards any longer with the introduction of the speed killing rev limiter?

Just Wondering. . .Will the NHRA or IHRA wait until the fuel prices cause a real crisis relating to fan and sportsman attendance at their events or will they try to develop some policies to help them before the crisis comes?

Just Wondering. . .Am I the only fan paying more attention to classes that don't have rev-limiters than those that have them?

Just Wondering. . .Am I alone in thinking that the A/FD class is the last refuge for racers, fans, and tuners that want to see or participate in no-holds-barred, cut-throat nitro racing like God intended it to be?

Just Wondering. . .Have I been wrong about the ESPN guys toadying up to NHRA all this time? Recently Mike Dunn and Marty Reid have done very credible jobs of being professional journalists. They call 'em as they see 'em and don't back off as far as NHRA's decisions and actions are concerned.

Just Wondering. . .Do fans of nitro racing really come to the races just to see nothing but side-by-side racing? I think that a big part of the class's appeal was and is raw speed, explosion, and danger.

Just Wondering. . .Did you know that almost none of the professional classes ever race a full quarter mile? The Pro classes stage with the front wheels and trip the beams with the front bumper or wing which in Pro Stock and Funny Car are almost four feet in front of the wheels. So what's the problem with shortening the track to 1,000 feet and getting rid of rev-limiters? Either we're racing a quarter mile or we aren't.

Just Wondering. . .What exactly makes a car a Pro Modified and what is the difference between a Top Sportsman and a Pro Modified? Can the fans in the stands tell the difference between a Top Sportsman, Pro Mod, and Outlaw Pro Mod?

Just Wondering. . .Does putting a body style from the Sixties on a Funny Car chassis make it a Nostalgia Funny Car?

Just Wondering. . .Whatever happened to Jim White?

Just Wondering. . .Remember when the NHRA was in the business of promoting all of drag racing? The NASCAR folks are serious about closing the track at California Speedway and a call to NHRA revealed they knew nothing about the matter.

Just Wondering. . .Have the folks at NHRA considered bringing in some 10.5 cars for an exhibition? If not, why not? It's the hottest class in drag racing at the moment. Oh wait, I forgot they have Sports Compact cars.

Just Wondering. . .Why don't Forrest Lucas and Evan Knoll pick a track and a date and put on an invitational race pitting the cars sponsored by Lucas Oil versus the cars sponsored by Torco and its affiliates? They have enough fuel cars, 'slammers, and bikes between them to put on a hell of a race. They could call it the Oil Bowl and instead of a penalty you'd get extra points for oiling the track.

Just Wondering. . .Are the Pro Mod teams that race the AMS/TLR circuit going to have to wait until next year to find out if there is going to be a circuit for them to race with?

Just Wondering. . .If diesel fuel goes above $3.00 a gallon, what are the chances that the NHRA and it track owners might re-do their schedule to cut the cost of travel for the teams?

Just Wondering. . .Remember when the NHRA referred to its track owners as partners? According to several track owners I've talked to recently, they are now referred to by the NHRA suits as "leasors." In other words, NHRA pays them a track rental fee and the track management has little or no input.

Just Wondering. . .What the hell is in the cheese sauce they put on Nitro Nachos? And while I'm at it, I'm wondering if some of the so-called margaritas don't contain a little nitro or gasoline in the mix.

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Burk's Blast "the publisher's corner"  [9-9-05]
Let's give the Sportsman racers a little break

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