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(shown in flashback)

Capps was supposed to have a Brut girl back him up. With Capps in the car, I was out of a job as back up girl. But I figured, if I could get the back up girl’s outfit, she wouldn’t be able to back him up and they’d have to call me in. Linda Vaughn was supposed to meet me at LACR and bring me the Brut girl’s clothes. Instead, she sent Ramocco, and that idiot brought me MY back up costume. I coulda killed him! I did kill him! Well, wouldn’t you? When that happened, I knew that the only way I’d be able to back up the car was to get Capps so scared that he wouldn’t want to drive it. Then, Jeff would have to drive and I would be able to get my job back.

(starts sobbing)

You see? I only wanted my job.
My one little job at the racetrack
and they took it away from me.

There. There.
It’s going to be okay.

(to Martin)
You got this all down?
Call for the boys.

(to Pammy)
Don’t worry. You did the right thing
telling us. Now you’ll only be
in for life instead of frying.

Two police officers come in

Take her to County.

They take the sobbing Pammy off in handcuffs.

Well, another case wrapped up.

Great, chief. But I gotta
ask you one thing.


Did Tim Marshall really see her there?

No. But I knew that would make
her crack. The Tim Marshall
line always gets ‘em.

Burk switches off the light and picks up his briefcase.

Come on. You’re about to
retire. Let’s go celebrate.



Chicks 'n' Slicks [7/8/05]
The Capps Conspiracy, Part I
Magic Muffler Explosion Hot Rod Nostalgia Issue 5 Drag News CDs Wheels of Fire on Video High Performance EJ Potter Match Race Madness Youngblood Lithos Infinity Over Zero Bob McClurg Posters Click Into The Time Machine

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