Pet Peeves: We all have some things that just about drive us
crazy, like sanctioning bodies, at the drag strip, on the highway while
we are towing and ordering parts for the racecars. Here are mine:
Ordering parts:
- Free Shipping - Yea right! When the package arrives you find out
"free shipping" cost you $3.50 to maybe $7.00 for "packaging fees"
or "handling.".Not bad if you ordered a lot of stuff, but when all
you ordered was a couple Aeroquip fittings that weigh 4 ounces, the
$3.50 for handling doesn't seem FREE to me.
- Nice advertisement for a new product that you have been waiting
for someone to make; only you find out they are backordered for two
months. Kind of makes you think they haven't made any of them yet,
just wanted to see if any racers would be interested in it if they
- The hassles you go through if you are shipped the wrong parts.
By the time you pay UPS to ship it back and re-order it seems easier
to let the part sit and look somewhere else for the right part.
At the Drag strip:
- Racers who ask 50 questions at the entrance gate and then have
to look for their checkbook for five minutes. While you sit behind
them in line.
- Racers who run a generator that is so loud you can't talk three
pit spots away! Maybe we should sneak over and steal the spark plugs
at night.
- Racers who DO NOT tie up their dogs. This one really makes me mad
as the dog could get onto the track and a racer could crash trying
to avoid the animal and other racers' families and pets are at risk
from loose dogs. This one has "kick the owner out" written all over
it in my opinion.
- The "Pit Hog." The racer who parks lengthwise along the return
road when everyone else is parking head in to make more room for others.
- Golf carts left sitting in the staging lanes. If you use one of
the damn things, keep it out of the staging lanes. If the car won't
run under it's own power long enough to get to the staging lanes,
fix it!
- Lazy track employees that don't make the effort to keep the starting
line cleaned up.
- Racers who swap lanes in staging in their efforts to find a "duck,"
as if they have a clue anyway.
While towing to the track: (There are a ton of these but these
really get to me.)
- The moron that pulls out in front of you thinking you can stop the
tow truck and 8,000 pound trailer as fast as a Mercedes with anti-lock.
- The D.O.T. (or whatever they call the Dept. of Transportation in
your state) and their WEAK efforts at keeping our highways smooth.
After a couple hundred miles of bone jarring interstate driving I
wonder where in the hell my fuel tax dollars are going! Why not fix
the old roads before spending a billion dollars on a new one that
will be rough as well.
- Large truck stops that don't have a gasoline pump at one of the
truck islands. This makes a gas motor home and trailer block the entire
auto island for about 20 minutes.
- Drag strips that have no sign for their exit off the main highway
or Interstate. Any track owners ever think how a visiting racer supposed
to find the track with no signs?
There are a lot more "pet peeves" that I am sure bug you but time and
space is limited. If you have a few good ones send them to me and I'll
get them in the next column.
Safety Issues: After the tragic death of Dale Earnhardt at the
Daytona 500 I think we all need to take a REAL CLOSE LOOK at our own
safety equipment. How about this checklist.
- Take a close look at your safety harness, the mounting hardware
and condition.
- Roll cage mounting plates, look over the welds and is there a way
to brace it better? How about gussets where pipes intersect.
- Is your fire jacket or pants in good shape? I know they are tagged
but are they worn out or torn?
- Checked the steering components lately? How about replacing the
hiem ends on that rear suspension.
- Take some time and tighten EVERY BOLT on the car. I did this last
spring and was amazed what I found.
- Are the fire extinguishers in the tow truck, trailer and racecar
fully charged?
- Take your time on safety…. your family and future will appreciate
That wraps up this month's "Dead-On." Hope you found it entertaining,
intriguing or at least pretty darn good. Hope you will wander through
the rest of our magazine while you are here. Be sure to check the progress
on our "Project 4-Link", it is coming along nicely. We are now making
plans to find a builder for our very own Spec-Dragster®. Any
volunteers out there?
Good Luck in 2000
and BE SAFE!!!!!
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