The Summer of
How did it treat
ndy, my son and driver of the new “Back-2-Basics”
dragster just finished putting the engine back
in the Racecraft chassis after freshening the
heads and putting in a complete Isky Racing
Cams valvetrain. In the midst of the hectic
time called summer, I realized it was over!
September! That can’t be; it feels like
I just started getting my act together on the
That brings me to this month’s Dead-On
article. How did the summer treat you, racing-wise,
and how did you treat the summer of racing?
I have made a lot of changes to my racing and
the way I approach racing the last few months.
When I look back, the changes really started
several years ago when I tried to make it more
fun. Now to some racers that means making racing
less expensive, to others it means going to
more events at different tracks, and to a lot
of us it means going faster.
Does “having more fun” mean you
won’t try as hard to win? You won’t
work the long nights or into the evenings to
make sure everything is as prepared as it can
be to enhance your chances of winning? You won’t
buy the “good parts” to make your
racing efforts more reliable? Does it mean you
will try to convince your wife and kids and
friends to come to the races with you and to
plan a barbeque at the event? It could mean
all of these or it could mean none of them to
you. Since this is my column I will tell you
what “having more fun” has meant
to my family and me. I hope you can relate to
some of the following things I bring up but
if you are a “reader” and not a
“real racer” you will probably find
the rest of this “Dead-On” a little
boring because I don’t think you will
“get it.”
When I mention making racing more fun I mean
in several different ways. Of course it has
to be affordable to have any chance at all
of sustaining the fun. It has to be fun during
the events and the actual race day experience
has to put a smile on your face to be fun,
right? The people around you should get the
feeling that you are having fun and they can
share in it by being around you at the races.
It has been a pretty difficult transition for
me from trying to be an ultra-competitive racer
at every event and being upset when I made
a driving error or felt the car didn’t
perform right when I lost. Sure, I threw small
objects around when I screwed up or lost because
I misjudged the finish line by a few thousandths
or a couple hundredths. I can look back on
it now and almost laugh at how stupid that
was. Not uncommon, though, as I look around
the pits and see the different behavior from
racers who lose one day and are winning the
Why is it that one race we are “the
killer?” Can’t seem to miss the ‘tree
and drive the stripe like we know what we are
doing. Everything just goes right. Know what
I mean? Have you been there, done that? If
you have raced very long you have experienced
it. I put up with the ups and downs of this
and for some reason so did my wife for 20 years.
I know I was a slow learner, but now my racing
has improved so much by just doing some things
a little differently. I hope you can learn
a little about the human mind and maybe yourself
by what I talk about in the next few paragraphs.
If so, I am glad to have helped. If not, you
likely either are having fun now or being competitive
is not a main concern for you as it has always
been for me.
I finally realized drag racing is a little
like golf to me. I love golf and used to play
72 to 108 holes of golf per week before I got
hooked on racing. The one thing I left on the
golf course that I should have brought with
me was “don’t bring the last bad
shot with you to the next tee.” What
that means is, if you can focus on the race
at hand, at this moment, whatever happened
at the last race or even the last round does
not matter. Sure, you can learn from it, sometimes
you get good information and sometimes you
get bad information.
I have tried to think about ONLY the race
at hand. Not the whole event, not who gets
the bye next round, not who is in the other
lane, just this particular round. I don’t
care if it’s a time trial or final round,
I tell myself the same things over and over
before I pull out of the lanes. Be as CALM
as you can be; know who you are running and
WHAT TO EXPECT as far as speeds at the stripe
and such; PREPARE the car to the best of your
ability so you can TRUST it; and the most important
thing you can bring to race at this moment