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After a frustrating season of racing I thought, “what the heck…”


he season is wrapping up here in the upper Midwest. I think there are two race weekends left on the schedule and our season has been tough to deal with. We didn’t really break any major parts or really tear something up but it has been a test to our level of commitment.

We had rear tire problems on the “Project 4-Link” that we thought were converter problems that caused four converter changes. We had engine “issues” early in the season that ended up being the simplest of things but caused the engine to be taken out twice and gallons of oil to be dumped in order to check things out. A new battery that would not hold a charge (part of the time) was a small gremlin for several races. A brand new transmission that leaked like it was cut open when we started the car. A converter that had the pilot extension come off and sheared off two of the three converter bolts, that was close to a disaster but Andy felt it shake and shut it off. That meant another transmission change. All of that, and not one broken part to speak of.

The “Back-2-Basics” dragster is a different matter. It ate up rocker arms and pushrods and the delays getting stuff fixed meant we missed over half the season. The good part is, we have fresh slicks, trans and short block for next year. It is running good and we will consider it ready for 2006.

I have spent a lot more time this year not driving since my medical “adventure.” I noticed a lot of different stuff and heard a lot more from racers than ever before. This month I have put together some “what the heck…..” things that interested me and ask questions of all of us.

“what the heck…..” is going on with Jr. Dragsters? I went to a race and where we pitted was close to where they turned off the track. If these aren’t the loudest things at the local track tell me what is. Ear piercing popping and crackling and the constant whacking of the throttles just about drove us nuts. Why don’t they REQUIRE mufflers on these things?

“what the heck…..” is up with the $6,000 engines, $2,000 paint jobs, gambler races and buybacks in the Jr. Dragster ranks? This is the entry-level program? Cars that can run way under the fastest ET the insurance companies allow so they hang lead bars all over the car to slow it down. Some cars are so fast they can only run “330 Outlaw Events.” Do the kids really want all of this or is it the parent’s idea? All I know is I bet the kids that don’t get burned out by the time they have driver’s license will tell daddy the next car better be an Undercover with a Reher-Morrison engine. No doubt some will be good racers but their demands will be high after racing a $12,000 Jr. Dragster.

“what the heck…..” are we going to do IF and WHEN the DOT finally decides to enforce the law? I was at the Million and while cruising around the pits took some close looks at the rigs that hauled in the 400+ cars. Some had four cars, a golf cart, scooter and three or four drums of alcohol in them. No DOT numbers, regular plates and who knows about the safety items. The decal I liked is the “Not For Hire” or “Recreational Vehicle” on twin screw Kenworth chassis “campers”?

I would guess the Combined Gross Weight of some of these 30 to 34 foot campers on Sterling or Freightliner chassis could easily reach 40,000 pounds. Are the tires rated high enough for the load on them? Is that racer deducting the cost of the vehicles, trailer or racecars as advertising or deducting it from business taxes? I don’t know for sure but count on this. The DOT will soon be pressured by their state director to find out. The states all need more revenue and guess whom they will hit for that? The citizens who have the money to pay the fines!

“what the heck….” is happening to the ET Finals? One time trial if you arrive on Saturday? You can’t even get a shot at both lanes before the biggest race of the year for local ET racers? The Gambler races, team photos and “Olympic games” outweigh the time that racers could use for an extra time trial? It forces everyone to sign up for the Gambler races if they want any hits at the track, just doesn’t seem fair to me. Now if they would allow time trials for non-gambler racers, during the gambler races, which would be an easy fix to the problem.


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