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By Tracy Winters

he month of October holds several traditions. For those of Jewish heritage Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are celebrated. Our neighbors in Canada celebrate Thanksgiving. On October 31st the coming of winter is celebrated by dressing up in costumes, going to parties, carving pumpkins and bobbing for apples on what is called Halloween.

In the drag racing world, Jeg’s and NHRA celebrate a long tradition of all-stars. The prestigious NHRA Jeg’s All-Star race has been held at Route 66 Raceway in Joliet, Illinois for several years. I was fortunate enough to attend the Jeg’s All-Star race and banquet this year. Seeing the best Sportsman racers in the country compete for the championship is exciting. The awards ceremony was excellent, offering an event that was fun for all the competitors, their friends and families.

Naturally, I was rooting for my home division, Division Two. While, they did not win the competition, Steve Cohen did take home the win in Super Gas. I must admit it was nice to see Division Six win the event since in the past most of the championships were won by Divisions Two, Three and Four! The battle for drag racing championships all over the world is frequently won during the month of October. While the racing may slow down during the month of October, it is evident that the competition does not slow down by any means.

In the world of D.R.A.W. the competition is heating up for the new board of trustees. Every year six new trustees are elected. The deadline for the nominations has passed and elections will take place in the upcoming month. The election is open to the members of D.R.A.W., who will receive their ballots in the October DRAWing Attention newsletter.

As for 2006, we are currently planning the annual D.R.A.W. golf tournament to be held on March 16, 2006 in Gainesville, Florida. This takes place just prior to the NHRA Mac Tools Gatornationals. The theme this year will be racer appreciation with a special focus on the sportsman racers. If you are part of the drag racing world, you can understand the sacrifices that racers make for the sake of the sport of drag racing. Naturally, the members of D.R.A.W. find it appropriate to change the focus of our annual golf tournament to that of “Racer Appreciation.”

So get your golf swing and clubs ready for the upcoming D.R.A.W. event!

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From the DRAWing Board [9/9/05]
The Amazing U.S. Nationals!


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