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By Tracy Winters

ust last week my daughter asked me what I wanted for Christmas! The way I look at it I have so much to be thankful for. I am fortunate to have my health, both my parents alive in good health, a wonderful family who supports me, a smart, happy and healthy daughter.

But the members of D.R.A.W. realize what is truly important in life; their compassion for caring for others in a time of need is outstanding. Not to mention that when you meet injured racers you understand how quickly your life can change temporarily due to an accident. It is at that moment when you begin to understand what is truly important.

While, the racing season has winded down for a break the caring members of D.R.A.W. are still hard at work. The D.R.A.W. Board of Trustees continued during the holidays to provide emotional and financial support to injured racers around the country. As the holidays season approaches race teams as well as D.R.A.W. prepare for the 2006 season. At present D.R.A.W. is hard at work preparing for the sportsman appreciation golf tournament. This tournament will be held Wednesday, March 15. 2006 prior to the NHRA Mac Tools Gatornationals held in Gainesville, Florida.

So get your golf swing ready to join us at the annual D.R.A.W. golf tournament. Most of all remember those friends, family and associates this holiday season.

Tracy & Alexandra Winters

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From the DRAWing Board [11/8/05]


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