By Tracy Winters
hen you hear the name Drag Racing Association of Women you assume only women are involved in the organization. The truth is that several men are behind the organization D.R.A.W.!
Terry Noble is a constant figure at the D.R.A.W. booth operating the distribution of ladder sheets to sportsman racers. Terry is always willing to help out any racers, but especially enjoys donating his time the sportsman racers. Terry is truly dedicated to the cause of D.R.A.W. and is an important and vital aspect of D.R.A.W. This year marks my 14th year with the organization and Terry was involved before I became a member of D.R.A.W.. The dedication that Terry has shown to D.R.A.W. is undeniable.
Robert Buck of Adventure Team Racing has been involved with various companies on the manufacturer's midway over the years. Buck observed the hard work of the ladies of D.R.A.W. and became involved with the organization to lend a helping hand. Buck was the first male to become a member of the D.R.A.W. Board of Trustees. Buck finds it frustrating sometimes because his desire to move the organization along at a faster paces at times. Buck offers to the organization experience, rationale and challenges those to bring the organization to the highest level possible.
John Enright became involved with DRAW during 1999, upon attending the D.R.A.W. annual action in Indianapolis with his sister Carol Gibbs. Carol Gibbs is the current President of D.R.A.W. For the next few years Enright worked at the auction as a volunteer. After getting to know the great people of D.R.A.W., and their reasons for being a part of the organization compelled Enright to become more involved with the organization. Enright is rewarded by the fact that he is making a difference in the life of an entire family. As a Board of Trustees member Enright is responsible for controlling the management, administration, and interest of the charity. Enright also provides the role of photographer and historian. The most memorable moment for Enright was when DRAW presented the Blaine Johnson Award in 2004.
![]() Kevin Bennett with Bob Frey at the DRAW Auction in Chicago, Illinois (June 2005) |
Last, but not least by any means is Kevin Bennett. Kevin is filled with enthusiasm for the sport of drag racing and D.R.A.W. Bennett first became involved with D.R.A.W. when his brother purchased him a membership to the organization for his 30th birthday. Bennett had heard about D.R.A.W. from attending Nationals events. Shortly, after Bennett gave DRAW a try and found a true fit with the organization. Bennett finds it rewarding to see what a group of volunteers can accomplish. After all, since the inception of D.R.A.W. over $2 million dollars has been paid out to injured racers and their families. Bennett recently became a board of director’s member for the organization and takes his responsibilities very seriously. This year Bennett will also serve on the newsletter, web-site, and membership recruitment and membership management committee. Bennett has a true passion for the sport of DRAG RACING.
After attending his first NHRA National event in 1972, he joined NHRA in 1980. Those who have the opportunity to meet Bennett will first hand experience his passion and knowledge of the sport of Drag Racing and D.R.A.W. Bennett recently ventured into the sport of drag racing as a participant in the sport. As a drag racer he can understand the true benefits DRAW provides to others when an injury takes place. What Bennett remembers most about D.R.A.W is attending the Founders Day Luncheon in 2001 at the NHRA US Nationals. For most of us, meeting the founders of an organization or company is always a humbling experience.
This racing season there are now three MEN on the D.R.A.W. Board of Trustees. This offers diversity, a new and different insight on the organization. You know what they say “ Men are Mars and Women are from Venus.” As Mars and Venus join on the D.R.A.W. board the organization moves ahead on Earth.
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