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Where to start with crew chief Ian Cleland? We began with his dedication to the Kapiris team.

"It's probably difficult to put into words why it is the way it is, but I've been crewing with Peter for almost 10 years now and he's one of those guys that loves to drive his car and loves to have a race car. He doesn't get into the engineering and tuning side of it.

"It's probably pretty rare in this day and age, even though it's a professional category but at that level to actually have someone who lets you play with their toy and lets you go out there and run it for them is, I guess, a pretty rare thing. From that point of view I figure if he's going to let me play with his toy and build what I'm going to build and run it the way I want to run it, then you've got to be fairly loyal going back in the opposite direction. That's part of it, and the other part of it is we've gone really well for the past 10 years and knowing the sport and the way it is, you don't want to be giving away too many of your advantages. The minute you give away an advantage someone will come up behind you and kick you in the arse on the way through.

"It's always been that level of freedom to do what I want for the most part. I really enjoy designing and building equipment of different sorts. The other side of it is I hate making more than one of anything. So I'll design something and build it and if it works, that's great, but if someone says, that's great can you make me 10 of them, then I'm just not interested.

"Because of what I do, I do a lot of specialised industrial work and that's where the money is at. In this country you'll earn a much better dollar doing that sort of work than you can ever hope to earn making bits and pieces for race cars, until we export the stuff. If I was ever going to export the fuel controller and other bits and pieces that I make then I guess there would be a dollar there, but like I said, I guess I'm not into the production of parts after the first. It's a personal thing.

"There been a little pressure to market these bits. People have said, we'd like to have a look at that, not the least of which has been Norm Drazy, from PSI. I've spoken to him on a number of occasions since we got it up and running and he asked me once and I said I'm not really interested, and then the next conversation he asked me again. Then I had to say I'm really not interested in producing them and that's the end of that."


From what we understood, the famed Inky Valve is a mechanically geared valve that controls fuel flow, and fits into the bracket for the second magneto on a dual mag drive.


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