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Every successful business had a founder who had both the vision and knew the vital components necessary to the continuing success of his business.

Hopefully at some point the business founder would become successful enough to need additional management staff, accounting and marketing people. You would hire those people to provide new and fresh ideas to grow your core business, not change the direction of the business as they lacked the experience and the knowledge to make informed decisions in that area.

Let me give you an example. Suppose you had been producing shows for the Rolling Stones in North America for years but wanted to try and further maximize your return on investment. You MIGHT hire outside financial people to look at how you were doing things and make recommendations. You might also go outside the music world and hire some new promotional people and look at the fresh ideas they might suggest.

But if the changes they suggested were, the Stones played too loud and the concerts lasted to long, obviously you would realize your outside advisors didn’t know anything about the music business and more importantly why people were willing to pay good money to see the Rolling Stones.

The ongoing popularity of NHRA national events is primarily because of the Nitro cars, particularly the Nitro Funny cars as every poll ever conducted has indicated going back well over thirty years.

It would seem reasonable SOMEONE should know not to put a chicane at mid-track and the three cornerstones of the Nitro FCs popularity was and is:

1----The noise and thunder of high percentage nitro motors
2----The ability to identify the makes of the bodies
3---- The performance

Two of the three vital parts are gone and the third (performance) is locked at the current level with most of the cars running the same. Whoever made the decision, while explaining the new rules, to talk about “spec” nitro motors should have been fired and escorted from the building because that is nothing short of blasphemy.

Under the current rules you will not see a dominant Nitro FC team again as NHRA has micro-managed the rules to dumb down the class where they will all run the same and the highly funded multi-car teams will just take turns winning a race or two. If you are a die-cast fan, or one who roots for the cutest driver, I’m sure you are ok with this.

This approach has seemingly worked for NASCAR as their fan base is huge, a mile wide but only an inch deep. The drag racing fan base is the opposite, with fewer numbers but with a strong emotional attachment to nitro racing, in some instances going back thirty or forty years.

The $64,000 question is, can NHRA gain enough new fans to quickly replace the more traditional fans who are completely turned off by the current state of affairs in nitro racing and are finding somewhere else to spend their entertainment dollars. Fortunately it seems new venues to get your nitro fix are appearing every day and shows no sign of slowing and if the end result of all this is more drag racing fans taken as a whole, then that’s a good thing.

This is the end of my series on Nitro Funny cars as next month the subject will be racing sponsorships (I hate the word “sponsor” as that sounds like philanthropy when in actuality it is a marketing partnership).

Drag Racing's Fastest Couple [10-18-05]

The 'Plex at 20 [10-5-05]


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