(photo by Dave DeAngelis)
DRO: So, with money so tight, what made you decide to run a
two-car team?
JO: Well, Louie had done the bottom end of my car for 14 years,
since back in 1988, and I told him about three years ago, 'Someday when
we've got the parts, we'll stay over on a Monday and you can get your
license.' So we did that and then I had my knee replaced a couple of
years ago and I told him, 'I'm gonna' put you in the car and we'll run
it a couple of times and I'll run the last qualifying lap if you don't
get in.' One thing just led to another, and I thought he's already in
the points, so I just kept letting him drive.
Then we got to some place where we had both cars in the trailer and
there were only seven cars in the field, so I just thought we might
as well get both cars out and I'd just go run it and get the money for
qualifying both cars. We've been running both cars unless we have problems
with his car on the first lap, and then I'll just park mine until we
get his going down the racetrack.
We usually don't go to the starting line with both cars because I just
don't have enough people. I'll go run his car and only if he runs good
enough that I think he's in, we'll just park his and then take mine
to the starting line. So, where everybody else makes three laps to qualify,
we might make all three laps, too, but if we get both cars in, we'll
get double the money that they get for qualifying.
The initial investment is the big deal. But I had two cars and a replacement
part for every part on the car, so I just put all the spares on the
second car and if we ever needed a part to fix something, we'd just
park my car and put it on Louie's car to make it go. But now I've spare
stuff for everything. I've even got a new car being built by Ty Baumgartner
for next year.
DRO: Will Louie get the new chassis, too?
JO: No, I'm probably gonna' put Louie in the car I have now
and I'll take the new one, at least for now. I don't want to put him
out there as a test driver. I mean, the car I've got has been up and
down the racetrack, so we know already what it does and that it goes
DRO: Back to your Budd's Creek win; were even you surprised
that you were the one who finally beat Millican?
JO: Well, I said all year that if you're gonna' beat that team
of guys, you've gotta' beat 'em early. If you give [Millican's crew
chief Mike] Kloeber two or three laps to figure a racetrack out, you
won't be able to beat him. He's been vulnerable early before, where
they smoked the tires or something, but whoever they've been running
has always screwed up somehow in the other lane. Besides being real
good, they've been pretty lucky when they needed to be, too. But they've
got an excellent operation over there. They've got a good driver, good
crew, good crew chief, good owner; it's a complete operation.