DRO: What about Pro Mod? You're beating everyone up in Pro Street
pretty regularly, so why don't you move up to IHRA or NHRA Pro Mod?
PM: Well, that takes a little more budget and currently, the
sponsors I have, NEC and Regis, are happy with what we're doing and
the ink we're getting for them. But I would like to be involved as an
engine builder and we've actually become involved with Cody Mac (McManama)
and his NHRA Pro Mod. Our first race is this weekend at Indy and I think
we'll have enough power, but we'll just have to see how we do. (Ed.
Note -- McManama ended up DNQing, missing the 6.32 bump by .13 secs.)
I don't really have to be a driver. If I can be involved as an engine
builder, that's okay, and also Marc Dantoni is going to make the switch
soon and we'll build the engines for him, of course. The street car
deal has been a lot of fun for us, but I'm also getting older. I'm getting
a lot of demand for match races right now. If the street car deal went
away or if we didn't run that, I could probably match race for two years
straight and race every weekend. That's what kind of demand we have
right now. I'd like Tony Christian to come on out with us, but we haven't
been able to lure him out.
DRO: That brings up your competition. Can I just throw a few
names at you and have you tell us what you think about them? Let's start
with Tony.
PM: Tony's a real good racer and a great competitor. We've had
our differences, but I love racing the guy and he likes racing me. Probably
we're a little better than each other at different things in the deal,
but I would have to say he was my number-one competitor and I'd love
to have him back. We had a good rivalry, it was always exciting, and
it was just a really, really good deal, so hopefully he'll come back
at some point.
DRO: What about another driver who's also left recently, Annette
PM: Well, I don't consider her a racer. I'm sorry, but she needs
to learn how to race. If she spent as much time on her race operation
as she does on the Internet and the other nonsense, she'd be a lot better
I mean, you've got to understand something; I grew up in Pro Stock
with guys like Warren Johnson, Bob Glidden, Lee Shepherd; we had the
top four cars for a while there, and those guys did it all. They built
the engines, they prepped the cars, they drove the cars, so it's hard
for me to relate to just a driver who can't do anything else at all.
I'm sorry, I just don't have the same respect for them, that's just
how it is. If you can at least do some of it, I give you credit. Like
Tony, he can do everything but really build an engine. I think if he
had to assemble one, he could do that, but I'm saying he's not an engine
builder. But he probably has talents that I don't have in the clutch
and getting the car down the track, so I can respect guys like that.
I'm sorry if anyone takes it the wrong way, but I just don't respect
anybody that just buys their stuff and wants to be a driver -- especially
if they can't drive, to boot.