Now available are bolt-in kits for popular Mustang/Pinto front suspensions, early Camaro/Chevelle, S10, late model F-body and Corvette applications, as well as "A body" Chrysler products. Kits are also available for M-W Anglia-type spindles, as well as JBRC and Lamb struts.

The "heart" of the system is M-W's caliper, which is make from a special alloy some 30 percent stronger than the 6061 commonly used. Bridge strength (a key element of caliper efficiency) is superior to other units on the market due to use of beefy 7/16" fasteners and a special bridge bolt with support bushing. Internal porting assures consistent fluid transfer without the problems associated with external lines. Pistons are a hard-coated aluminum alloy, which has an expansion rate similar to the caliper bore to ensure proper pressure at elevated temperatures (as opposed to calipers which use steel pistons).

For additional details call 800-525-1963 or log on to M-W's website at: A copy of the firm's 92-page color catalog and a handy plastic gear ratio computer is yours by sending $5 to Mark Williams Enterprises, 765 S. Pierce Ave., Dept. DRO, Louisville, CO 80027.

New Snap-on(r) Tool Wagon Provides Trackside Tool Storage Options for Automotive Technicians and Motorsports Fans

With the introduction of the Snap-on(r) Tool Wagon (KRLP7002A), the same type of tough, mobile and reliable tool storage units made for professional pit crews at the racetrack are now available for technicians and racing fans to use in the garage.

The Snap-on Tool Wagon holds and totes a large assortment of tools, equipment and accessories, offering 90,000 cubic inches of storage space. The roll cab features 12 drawers, including a larger top drawer that holds tall sockets, wrenches and oversized tools. A variety of shelves, compartments and other storage options, including a screwdriver rack, 14- and 30-inch sliding trays, 12-inch can holder and 10-inch tote tray, are included with the unit.

Opening the unit's front riser door provides access to a stainless steel workbench. The opened door is supported by gas springs and a two-point lock-rod system that provides security and prevents the door from slamming closed. Two side lockers each contain two drawers and adjustable shelves that can hold larger accessories and items that stand upright.

Automotive technicians and racing fans can find out more about the Snap-on Tool Wagon (KRLP7002A) by contacting their local Snap-on representative, visiting or calling toll free 877-SNAPON-2 (877-762-7662).

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