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It's Up To Us


recently received a link to an article in the Toledo Blade once again comparing drag racing to NASCAR. The opinion piece, penned by Blade Staff writer Dennis Bova, commented on a recent sports marketing study showing that NASCAR is the eighth most-hated sport in America. I'd seen that study, but this sentence by Bova caught my eye. "But this study aside, the clouds are forming over NASCAR while the sun is starting to shine over another motor sport: drag racing." Really? Does NASCAR have to loose for drag racing to win? Do we really want drag racing to be as mainstream as NASCAR?

While in this long off-season before the warm-up test and tunes at Vegas, Phoenix, Houston and Tucson I was itching for something relevant about drag racing and clicked to a couple of Internet chat sites with Nitro-this and Nitro-that in their names. One thread I found interesting contained dozens of postings of how NASCAR sucks and drag racing RULES! Just why is it that we need to compare these apples and oranges; why not compare drag racing with Formula 1? Michael Schumacher, six-time F1 Driving Champ was estimated by Forbes magazine to be the highest paid athlete in the world. By comparison, this F1 Schumacher must RULE and John Force must SUCK, well once again, apples and pears.

Each of us has our favorite form of racing and by your choice of reading material it just may be drag racing, you may even have a top-five racing list. Each series has things that bring us back every time the show comes near our town, drag racing has plenty for me, but that doesn't mean I hate NASCAR. The past few years of the U.S. economy have created a particularly tough environment for bringing new sponsors into racing of all kinds. As the economy continues to improve, some familiar teams may not be in competition next year in drag racing, Nextel Cup and others.

With more and more spectators hopefully coming through the turnstile in the 2004 season, it's up to us to spread the word on just how great drag racing is, not just the responsibility of the Ivory Tower Sanctioning bodies. I've seen an ad in the back of a street rodding magazine touting, "Bring a Kid to a Car Show". How about us drag racers doing something like that? Bring a kid or teenager to a drag race or bring back somebody whoís been away from the sport for a while. I brought two clients and their kids to the Pomona Finals in 2003; they had a great time and were exposed to the up-close thunder of Nitro drag racing. They both want to come back and Iíll be proud to show them around again.

Drag racing sure has changed over the years, but we have a highly entertaining show, whether it's IHRA, PSCA, NHRA, NMCA, Pro Gas, Good-Guys VRA or brackets, whatever your addiction. Next time you see a fellow drag racing fan driving the freeway with his sanctioning body sticker proudly proclaiming his love of the sport - give him a wave or thumbs-up. We've already got the best show in Motorsport, just remember what Jungle Jim said, "Drag racing is faaar out!"

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