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NHRA 2002-2003-2004-2005 TV HH's
            05 vs. 04
  2002 2003 2004 2005 05 vs. 04 % change
Pomona 1 2,971,661 2,303,840 1,255,680 1,701,120 445,440 35.5%
Phoenix 1,700,520 2,599,520 1,393,600 1,842,880 449,280 32.2%
Gainesville 1,984,800 1,638,880 557,440 1,134,080 576,640 103.4%
Houston 1,856,960 1,077,760 1,258,650 1,706,880 448,230 35.6%
Las Vegas 1 1,724,320 1,212,480 1,811,680 1,706,880 -104,800 -5.8%
Bristol 2,000,496 1,886,080 2,528,320 1,290,160 -1,238,160 -49.0%
Atlanta 2,271,200 2,825,760 1,886,800 1,422,400 -464,400 -24.6%
Columbus 1,740,960 1,753,440 1,680,000 1,564,640 -115,360 -6.9%
Topeka 1,626,400 1,091,200 978,880 1,422,400 443,520 45.3%
Joliet 1 2,008,800 2,174,880 1,538,240 1,137,920 -400,320 -26.0%
Englishtown 2,432,640 1,614,720 1,681,920 1,706,880 24,960 1.5%
St. Louis 2,543,730 2,310,560 1,532,960 1,564,640 31,680 2.1%
Denver 1,070,080 1,915,200 1,811,680 1,849,120 37,440 2.1%
Seattle 2,590,720 2,306,080 1,951,040 1,991,360 40,320 2.1%
Sonoma 1,464,050 2,304,320 1,951,040      
Brainerd 1,863,680 1,493,600 1,393,600      
Memphis 1,505,280 1,525,760 1,672,320      
Indy 4,985,280 2,586,880 1,830,400      
Dallas 945,280 1,517,920 704,000      
Joliet 2 1,483,680 1,095,680 1,408,000      
Reading 1,348,530 822,240 786,720      
Las Vegas 2 2,049,920 2,480,960 2,255,360      
Pomona 2 2,869,920 1,671,680 1,691,520      
Total: 47,038,907 42,209,440 35,559,850 22,041,360 174,470  
Avg. per race: 2,045,170 1,835,193 1,546,080 1,574,383    
2003 vs. 2002   -10%     -4,829,467 season total
2004 vs. 2003     -16%   -6,649,590 season total
2004 vs. 2002     -24%   -11,479,057 season total
HH's = total audience from all TV shows, including qualifying, final rounds, & repeats
source: Joyce Julius & Associates Sponsor's Report

As a comparison; if the phones weren’t ringing off the hook to buy the latest George Foreman Grill there’d be wholesale changes in their Infomercial. Rating points and households must keep growing or as with any TV Show from FRIENDS to CSI -- it goes away or the entire production crew gets fired. I’m curious why ESPN still does nothing to promote the NHRA show in other timeslots as they do with IRL and the Danica factor, is that another tier of ESPN support NHRA needs to pay for?

With average viewership remaining around 1.5 million households, have we reached our level of committed fans that’ll watch NHRA on TV? If someone can show me an overall double-digit increase in the Households watching the 2005 NHRA POWERade show, I’ll be yelling it from the nearest rooftop.


View from the Left Coast [8/8/05]
Is It All Right If I Say It?


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