This month's edition of Lenny's Line comes to you from the fingertips
of a just-now surgically repaired Lenster. It was nothing major, but
caused a great deal of stress leading up to the operation. I had written
a column designed to beat the deadline (for the date with the doc and
the DRO deadline), and it reflected the dark mood I was in at that moment.
But as fate would have it, that column was lost in cyberspace, so you
all won't have to suffer through it! Thanks to advances in anesthesiology
and a great deal less post-op pain than was anticipated, I am in a more
positive frame of mind.
And a good thing it is, too! Apparently, NHRA is having some success
in shopping for a series sponsor for next year. As noted by Agent 1320,
several non- automotive companies are giving the proposals a good look.
Whether you like NHRA or not, it is in the sport's best interest to
see them at least maintain their current level of strength. In some
respects, NHRA was fortunate to get the TV deal with ESPN. It would
be a blow to the whole sport if they cannot take advantage of that kind
of electronic outlet. Back to the proposal shopping - don't look too
long, NHRA, lest the "merchandise" goes elsewhere. There is no shortage
of shoppers out there looking for a deal.
Additionally, the quicker a deal for the series sponsor can be landed,
the better it will be for the member tracks. A quick look at the 2002
schedule reveals eight national events currently without title rights
backers, including the prestigious Winternationals. The economy is a
mess right now, but the real powers that be in this country will not
let that go on forever. Land a series sponsor, and the individual events
will most likely fall into a spot in sponsored land. At least we can
hope so.
IHRA, IHRA what are you thinking? The Canadians don't like us racers
from America. And after a couple of encounters with their customs officials,
ya'll ain't gonna like them either! Maybe this is one instance you should
have sought out some input from the Glendora gang. They gave up that
date they used to have in Montreal awfully easy, if you think about
it. Could be a good reason for that.
Got a lot of mixed emotions on the Federal Mogul situation. I'm glad
to see the company sorting out their financial mess, and I'm glad to
see NHRA keep the two eliminators in the mix for 2002. I just don't
like them characterizing the restructuring of the FMD and FMFC schedule
as a "pay raise." True, they will be running for more money WHEN they
race. But a reduction in the number of events may (will) be a reduction
in opportunity for some racers. Racers, sportsman or professional, only
have so much money to campaign on, and the one or two nationals that
were close enough to make may not be available to them now. But I guess
it beats having NO national level races to compete at.
Post op wish of the moment - make Pro Mod an every race thing. There
is no good reason not to do it. I'd lay 1 to 9 odds you could land a
Pro Mod Eliminator title rights sponsor within days of announcing such
a change. And now that you've thrown out the trucks, they will even
have room for their rigs. What's not to like? Somebody explain it to
And welcome to Tom Hammonds. It's always a tough decision to step away
from a way of life, and Pro Sports is just that. But drag racing is
a pretty good substitute for the rigors of training camp, so maybe Tom
won't miss basketball too much! If you have ever met Tom Hammonds, you
have no doubt he can be a tremendous asset to the drag racing community.
And that's something NHRA realizes already, I hope.
Well, post op fatigue is setting in, so that's it for now. A bit of
health advice before I go. If you have been putting off a procedure
that you KNOW you should go ahead with, make that call! Once you get
in the operating room, it's tangerine dreams and a shorter than expected
trip back to the starting line!
Later! |
photo by Jeff Burk