As you may or may not have noticed, my column
has been missing from the electronic pages of Drag Racing
Online for some time now. Chalk it up to a crisis of confidence,
an abortive search through the American job market, hard times
in tough places, fear and loathing in the White House - take
your pick! Whatever the reason, whatever the motivation (or
lack of it), yours truly is back, and ready to burden you,
the faithful reader with unsolicited opinions and news bits
from the drag racing scene.
But rather than spout opinions, I plan to make "observations"
regarding the news of the day in drag racing. For better or
worse, I spent a lot of time watching the run up to the 2004
Presidential Election, and one thing about the whole process
really bugged me. That was the network talking heads insistence
on telling me what "IT" meant. As if I was too stupid
to figure "IT" out for myself! Now, if I don't like
being talked down to, I'm sure ya'll don't much care for it
either. So I'll do my best to avoid excess opinionating.
Other plans for this space include bringing you more personality-driven
material. I don't know of a sport that has more personality
than drag racing, and those personalities tend to be a diverse
and colorful lot! So why not bring a few of them to the forefront?
That goes for racing events as well. There is an awful lot
of drag racing action out there that has nothing to do with
NHRA / IHRA national events. And ya know what? Most of it
is pretty darn exciting, and come to think of it, a lot less
predictable that what you see on the TV side of the sport.
As I learn of events worth noting, I'll bring them to your
attention. Everybody loves a road trip -- you just need to
know where to go!
So much for the mission statement. Now, on to
An Observation. Hey, did you see the Invite List to the NHRA
/ AMS Pro Mod shootouts? Of course you did! Everybody has
by now! Good thing, bad thing? What say you? I haven't got
a dog in that fight, so the by-invitation-only scenario doesn't
bother me. But it does bring to mind some interesting parallels,
past and present. Years ago, NHRA spent a lot of time and
newsprint casting aspersions on the practice of booking in
feature cars, as practiced by their rival, the American Hot
Rod Association. Now, NHRA/AMS may not be paying the racers,
per se, but a closed-society arrangement amounts to the same
thing. If only 20 racers, plus the wild cards have access
to a given venue, only they can profit.
But the upside is real, as the fans, promoters and marketing
partners have a known entity they can benefit from. It made
good business sense when AHRA did it, and the song remains
the same today. Besides, judicious use of the wild card provision
should go a long way towards righting any "wrongs"
re the Invite List. For me, the delicious irony of this setup
is NHRA, by association at least, endorsing the booking in
cars, or whatever you choose to call it.