Nonetheless, and to the point, the slots have changed in the last 12 months. Say, you're at the "Wild Cherry" chrome box, you hit "spin the reels" or you hand crank, and you get a wild cherry in one of the three rows. The $2.50 does not come in that joyful crash of quarters out of the metal poop chutes. Instead, they give you this lifeless slip of paper saying that you have won $2.50 that can go toward 10 more plays on the machine or you can go to the payout cage and get 10 quarters.

Why did these idiots mess with it? It wasn't good enough to see some ecstatic blue hair come rolling out of her seat thinking she had just made a down payment on the rest of the Christian world? If it's not broken, don't fix it. But noooooo ... leads me to believe that like Reno and Laughlin, profits have fallen off at the big glossy. I mean how many Wayne Newton shows can you watch before terminal vertigo sets in?

In a sentence, everything around the Vegas off-track set had me counting my money before approaching the beckoning finger. Mark my words, this keeps up and Vegas can kiss off the trailer-parkers.

And it wasn't much better at the track. Food prices were utterly abominable (and please none of that DRO's-on-the-rag complaining again.) I go with former Chinese Communist General Secretary Chou En-Lai, "Not everyone can be an artist, but EVERYONE should be a critic. And it was open season in Las Vegas compared to this year and the previous year.

Leaving aside the fraudulent $2.20 plus a gallon gas swindle, what can you say about $5.00 a beer, $5.00(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) for popcorn, a $4.00 corn dog, pastrami and Philly Cheese Steak sandwiches for $8.00, and, what's left? Maybe if you've got breathing credit cards, you can get back to L.A. or San Diego. Denver, good framing luck.

All of these untoward experiences, though, were ensconced in conditions that for me spelled disaster. It rained on Friday, and on Saturday morning at 8 a.m., it was pouring. Visibility on Interstate 15 headed toward Las Vegas was roughly 50 feet. For all intent and purpose, the race looked like a patient etherized on an aluminum table. No chance. But as look would have it, things changed for the good, especially for someone like me.

At 5:01 p.m. on Saturday, Doug Kalitta zapped through the Vegas timers at a 4.483, 335.37! You know my prejudices towards numbers.

Yes, I was pissed at the outlandish prices. Yes, I thought the suckers at the casinos were being sucked on harder than insurance dealers at a Heidi Fleiss memorabilia show. But to see the 335.37! Last year at this track, I saw my best speed from Larry Dixon's Don Prudhomme/Miller Lite dragster at 332.75.

So, my mind's made up. In the future, I'll go play the pop machine at the Happi Motel in Ghetto Death, Nev., the Sin City Adult Center has a new library card holder, and the joints to the east of the old Fremont Hotel have a new victim in the making. Downtown? Fuggedabout it. The racetrack? I don't know why a 4,000-altitude track can produce numbers like they do (see Sue and the Hawthorne's stories), but as long as they do, I'll be the guy pissing and moaning to your left.

To quote famed "Blue Max" crew man and good guy "Waterbed Fred" Miller, "a good time slip will cure cancer" ... and, I might add, terminal spectator pouting. Damn the prices, full speed ahead.

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