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Well, not every prejudice, this (and I assume) other swap meets, are decided un-left wing. The "Kill-em'all-let-god-sort-em-out head cheese ripens in conditions like these.

And all this put me in a poetic frame of mind. Silently, chanting, rapping to the rhythm of my heels, dizzy from crossed eyes, and heaving breaths from a plugged nose I marveled at the dichotomy between this place and what was going on at Firebird.

beef jerky, hummingbird feeders, or
the big gap between losers and leaders

cell, phones and DVDs or
Whit Bazemore and Steven Neece

spider webs and Jesse James, or
patriotic caps and collector trains

Schumacher slicing through the dark or
"Hey that's me on my new Lark"

NASCAR cups and Girl Scout cookies or
30-year vets and 330-mph rookies

seat covers/auto, truck and vans or
$6.50 beer, riots in the stands

ridiculous hollow metal horse or
Medlen, Hight and ole John Force

wood furniture and sandals that flop or
arrogant, ignorant security cops

Budweiser logo metal sign or
Looks like Brandon crossed the line

cut rate big dark glasses, or
way more smokers than 5.50 passes

ankle bracelets, adult bibs or
where's Buster? Where's Steve Gibbs

statues, coats-of-arms or
racing writers at the funny farm

Worship at the church of the almighty dollar or
so much shit in here, I think I'm GONNA HOLLER

Well, as you can see the Swap Meet had its drawbacks, but all in all, I think that Burk and I are slowly going to incorporate more of this into our racing weekend lifestyles. No, not swap meets. Different things like adult bookstores, lap dances, bars with dirt floors, an occasional outdoor symphony, jazz festivals, tapings of infomercials, Three Stooges TV marathons on hotel TV, hey the sky's the limit. Man does not live by 4.40s and 330s alone, and quite frankly from what I hear on the so-called "specs" controversy (treated elsewhere in the book) that alone may be the fire for a long, long time. Next race, we'll see you guys for a couple of days, but after that on to the Body Shoppe, and I mean THAT Body Shoppe.


The Martin Chronicles [2-8-05]
Three days in Vegas and a two-day "LAX"-ative


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