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The first prerequisite in a high scoring explosion is that the blower case is completely severed and leaves the car. This, as opposed to a mere cracking of the blower case or separation of the blower on the car, slightly akimbo atop the manifold, is definitely the first step toward a record attempt.


1. Case is merely cracked..................................10 points
2. Case is severed but held to car by fuel line........20
3. Blower case and injectors separate completely from car and are catapulted above or around the driver..............40
4. Manifold is completely cleared, no portion of case remains on the car........................................................50

1. One or more pieces of case lands in parking lot...10
2. One large piece, or two or more small pieces of case lands in grandstands...............................................15
3. One or more pieces of shrapnel lodged in finish line tower or overhead signs...........................................35
4. Blower case or any large piece of shrapnel hits driver's helmet with glancing blow (Note: scratches on helmet or two witnesses are necessary for any scoring).......20
5. Any portion of case/shrapnel hits opponent's car...20
6. Shrapnel hits opponent's car and puts it out of commission....................................................40
7. Audible "plinking" of raining aluminum parts.......20

1. Front mounted fuel pump is torn from place but remains on car................................................10
2. Fuel pump leaves car........................................15
3. Loss of one rotor, or any part thereof.................10
4. Loss of both rotors..........................................15
5. Magneto is blown from engine...........................10
6. Magneto is blown from engine and cannot be found by search parties (night)...................................20
7. Magneto is blown from engine and cannot be found by search parties (day).....................................30

1. Explosion visible from finish line.......................10
2. Explosion visible from starting line.....................15
3. Small explosion where blower leaves car and is accompanied by at last one rotor, fuel pump and/or magneto, and at least five pieces of case shrapnel..15
4. Everything goes...............................................30
5. Longest Distance..............................................20
6. High Altitude...................................................20 (NOTE: For points 5. and 6., at least three experienced observers must attest that the explosion was the highest or threw parts furthest of any explosion they ever saw)

1. Grade C Fire: Simple flash of flame, immediately extinguished by the wind.....................................15
2. Grade B Fire: Lasting fire with resultant singeing of parachute or scorching of tailpiece. Also a few audible screams from spectators.....................................25
3. Grade A Fire: All engulfing ball of flame which starts at the traps and lasts almost to the point where the car turns off the track. Parachute burned off, tailpiece completely blackened, windshield completely melted. Audible oooohs and aaaaaahs from spectators plus boisterous applause from onlooking racers.............50

NOTE: There are a few cases where the points scoring system can be canceled or doubled, depending upon the situation. If any serious injuries are incurred by either the driver or spectators, all points are nullified, regardless of how spectacular the explosion was. If the car which experiences an explosion is either sponsored by or campaigned by a professional blower re-worker, the points score is immediately doubled. If the explosion is featured in a magazine or newspaper with photographs, it is an automatic double point score. If it received a color magazine cover, it is a triple points score. It is recommended that all blower explosions be planned to occur at points where the maximum number of fans-racers-judges can witness the spectacle for a highest rating. Examples are for day racing, the traps adjacent to the pits at Irwindale, or for night racing, the traps adjacent to the push-out road at Lions.

Although the Universal Blower Explosion Official Scoring System was not in effect during last year, the selected panel of judges has singled out a few of the really great explosions of 1965.

The Santa Monica "Surfers", Skinner-Jobe & Sorokin, receive the award for the "Loudest Explosion of 1965" for their recent blast at Irwindale. Marvin Schwartz relieves the "Agility Award" for getting hit in the head by an exploding blower case back East. The Northern California "Vagabonds" get the 1965 "Longest Burning" for their fine exhibition at San Fernando. Gotelli & Thode receive plaudits for the "All Around Good Explosion of 1965" at Irwindale.

The "Outstanding Explosion of 1965" Award goes to the team of Alberts-Childs & Toler for their sensational performance at a local track. Scoring highly on originality points, the team racked up a high point score when Jim Alberts leaned over the motor to check it in the staging area just before a run. When he "wapped" the throttle linkage on the "Addict," the blower let go, slamming him up against the fence. Because the incident occurred right in front of the spectators,and in clear view of the judges, the event was noted as perhaps the best blow of '65. Unfortunately, the blower case did not disintegrate into numerous fragments and none of the parts flew into the adjacent grandstands, robbing the team of an all-time high points score. However, the raw nitro which squirted out all over track was luckily ignited, resulting in a fire. Judges noted that the flames seemed to change color beautifully when the fire extinguishers were applied.

Congratulations to Alberts-Childs & Toler for the "Outstanding Explosion of 1965" Award.

Without a doubt, the unanimous choice of the judges for the "Best Explosion in the History of the Sport" goes to the team of Brisette & Alexander for their sensational performance a few years ago at Riverside. The amazing this is that this was a daytime explosion and was not aided by the naturally high scoring effect of flames at night. Not only did the car lose the blower in its entirety, but one piece of shrapnel hit the opponents's car (Herbert & Tapia), and another piece was lodged in the Champion Spark Plug sign on the overhead bridge above the traps.

  If you want to talk to Terry Cook about hot rods, custom cars, or anything else e-mail to


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