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“I’m trying. I’m trying to get behind the supposed sense of security one gets from a towering vehicle with virtual brush guards and imaginary force fields, where you never get lost and you are impervious to the armor and shrapnel from eco-terrorists and pagan savages with semi-automatic weapons.”

“Security is a misnomer,” she explained. “It is a word that should be banned from the English language. This car does not make us more secure. It ratchets up our reliance on those loveable knuckleheads in OPEC. It makes us less secure.”

“Wow. That’s sounds like something I would say. Now I really want to mate with you.”


“No, you want to climb back into the uterus, and this monstrosity of a vehicle is a surrogate mother for you.” She reached over and turned up the heat on the seat warmers. Figuring that out is second nature for chicks.

Hmmm. A stainless steel womb, with xenon lights.

“Everything is blue and silver,” I said. “I don’t remember the womb being this... aesthetically cold.”

“The womb isn’t. This is more like a space ship than a womb. It’s a common Jungian error you made. You are like all of those people on daytime talk shows saying they were abducted by aliens and zapped into a flying machine that will take them back to Planet Scientology.”

“So. Do you want to have kids?”

“With you?”

“With me.”

“No. I want to rock and roll, but only if you can figure out how to lower the tailgate.”

“Turn up the Saints, then.”


(Cole Coonce is the author of INFINITY OVER ZERO: MEDITATIONS ON MAXIMUM VELOCITY and COME DOWN FROM THE HILLS AND MAKE MY BABY. More of his work can be found on

Where The Pavement Ends [3/8/05]
Hunter S. Thompson, Charles Manson And The Sinkholes Of Trona


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