Safety Safari

By Bob Fisher

I'm smokin' along at a thousand feet

Funny car driver wow! Sure is neat

Hey, what's that flicker in the fire window glass?

Phew, it's gone, that could've been my ass

Hey, there it is again, oh finish line come on

Wow that was loud. The body's gone

Look down the track through a ball of fire

There's another loud noise; there goes the rear tire.

I'm pullin' on the brake and tryin' to steer

But this is a ride you always do fear. . .

Out of control, headin' for the net

Hope this is something I'm not gonna regret.

There goes I'm in the sand

And then you hit the net like a big rubberband

Spins you around then shoots back.

The car is stopped at the end of the track.

I guess I'm ok, nothin' really hurts

So I'm gonna get out and see if everything works.

I'm out of the chassis and fixin' to get up

And here comes the Safety Safari in the POWERade truck

These guy's are trained they know what to do

I heard one of them say it be better if you don't move

Cause this is the safety safari we can't thank enough

Cause each situation is different and each one is tough

So one thing's for certain, I just want to say

If you drive one of these cars you'll crash or be on fire some day

This story was meant to point one thing out

We got the best safety team without a doubt

Now here comes my team runnin on the ground

Cause we got a lot of work to do before the next round

Got a poem you'd like to submit? Email it to We'll read it and if we like it, we will publish it. Remember the title to the department is "No Rhyme, No Reason, No Pay," so don't expect any and we won't either. -- Jeff Burk

Previous Story
No Rhyme Nor Reason — 6/16/03

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