Solemn Journey
By Bob Fisher
qualifying was over and night fell at Indy last
We were just sittin' round talking, havin' a
cold beer
When this feeling compelling me to take a walk,
walk out into the night
Down the track to the end, down to the finish
line lights.
I walked down the return road and left the pits
farther behind,
Maybe it's the noise or lights that plays tricks
on your mind,
But things sound different to you when you're
at this place walking at night
And if you stop walking and listen, and the
wind is blowing just right,
You think you hear the staccato in the distance
of a fuel car cutting through the night.
I know what you're sayin' -- how many beers
before you hear that --
But maybe you're just not listenin' or maybe
it's where you're at,
'Cause seven years ago on this spot right here
at this track
A future champion lost his life and we know
that's a fact.
We all pledged to do things so it wouldn't happen
But at St. Louis another future champion's life
was cut short and came sadly to an end.
both had a quiet presence of champions just
waiting to be
And that's our misfortune that we'll never get
to see.
Both these champions I knew and called them
friends of mine
And I think some decisions in our sport are
made just on the bottom line,
But it's our duty in this sport to these champions
with a passion to drive
To do whatever is possible to keep them safe
and alive.
Got a poem you'd like to
submit? Email it to
We'll read it and if we like it, we will
publish it. Remember the title to the department
is "No Rhyme, No Reason, No Pay," so don't
expect any and we won't either. -- Jeff
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