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By Bob Fisher

Capps the professional driver of the Brute Funny Car,

Fierce competitor, one of the best, a real throttle star.

Been on fire, crashed, used to say nothing scares he,

But that was before Memphis and that was before the bee.

We're talkin' Sunday, race day,
Getting' ready for the car to stage.

When on McCulloch's headset he heard,
"Ace, this is Ron. I need a can of Raid."

Ace said, "Didn't copy. Sounded like you said 'Need a can of Raid' to me."

Then Ron replied, "I did. I got a passenger and it's a big ole' freakin' bee!"

Ace said, "Calm down, it's only a bee. It'll be ok, just you wait and see.

"Oh yeah?" Capps said. "You're out there and he's in here with me!"

"All that safety equipment you got on will be enough protection, don't you know.
"Ron, just get staged and ready to race; it's almost time to go."

So Ron did what Ace told him and he won the race.
There's another twenty points for the Brut team,
And you can thank the tuner they call Ace.

Got a poem you'd like to submit? Email it to We'll read it and if we like it, we will publish it. Remember the title to the department is "No Rhyme, No Reason, No Pay," so don't expect any and we won't either. -- Jeff Burk

No Rhyme Nor Reason [6-15-05]

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