"I love racing the man. You can't help but just get pumped up to race him, because those guys are probably the greatest team that's ever been in drag racing -- and maybe even in all of motorsports." -- Scelzi after taking away the final round with a holeshot and improving his win/loss record against Force to 9/5

"My team makes me look good. Believe me, I'm doing everything I can to screw it up.” -- Scelzi again, claiming to be the weak link in the winning chain

"We were the first car in line every round. Every Funny Car that raced, whether we were second pair, or fifth pair or whatever we were, we were the first ones that were serviced back in line. Nothing was left loose on the car. We had the fire bottles go off in the pits before the final and sprayed everything with soapy foam. The crew had to overcome that. The Matco Tools team came over, the Wonder Wagon team came over. Everybody pitched in and that's what a team is all about." -- Scelzi once more, on his team’s professionalism


"The combination of the elevation and the microscopic humidity normally encountered at Las Vegas require a tune-up unlike any other on the circuit." -- Warren Johnson on the unique challenges of racing at The Strip, the only track on the current NHRA circuit that he’s never won on

"It will feel good to get back on the track; it seems like it's been a long time." -- Scott Geoffrion on making his return to competition after a lack of sponsorship forced him to sit out the first 21 races this season

“It’s quite an accomplishment to be mentioned in the same breath with a legend like John Force, let alone have the opportunity to set an all time win mark of 14 wins in a single season.” -- Greg Anderson before the race, on going after just about the only record he hasn’t already reset this year

"This is the ideal circumstance. Greg and I are on opposite sides of the ladder, and we at least have the opportunity to both get to the finals. I don't know what it is, but I always seem to drive better when we're on opposite sides, so hopefully we'll have a good day tomorrow. But usually it's him number one and me number two.”
-- Jason Line after earning the top spot in qualifying over teammate Greg Anderson

“We're going to try something new for tomorrow. It will be a little bit of an experiment, but we want to win, so we're going to go for it.” -- Kurt Johnson after qualifying 15th and looking at facing off against Anderson in round one

"I'll need to have a good light, hit all the shift points just right, and go straight if I want to win. This class is so tight you have to race everyone like they're the champion of the world." -- Jeg Coughlin Jr. after qualifying 6th, on his first-round pairing with Ron Krisher

“He was a hundredth or two quicker than we were, so I knew I couldn’t afford to be late. I guess I must have pushed a little harder than usual.” -- Dave Connolly on his redlight loss to Line in the first round

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