Words and Photos by Mac Fosmire
I dont know why we still call this event the Sunshine State Nationals. It seems that every year we are interrupted by thunderstorms.
Well, be that as it may, the event went off without a hitch, other than some rain delays on Saturday and Sunday. The always super Gainesville track crew did their usual great job getting the track back in shape after the delays.
Lets jump into our wrap-up report with the UPR All-Ford Car Show results. Normally when it looks like rain over the weekend, the show cars stay home. Not in Florida, however. They were out in force. Between Saturday and Sunday, over 180 super looking Ford vehicles were on display in the Car Show area. The big winners included Kyle Young for Best Mustang (94-04). Best Interior went to Chuck Kelly with his 56 Sedan Delivery. Best Paint went to either Clinton somebody or somebody Clinton (great paint but poor penmanship). Best Engine went to Chris Garrett and the Best of Show went to Chad Noel and his 03 Cobra.
Next we move onto the Tremec Transmission True Street Results. Naturally, Rod Short, one of the editors of MM&FF magazine, the True Street Presenters, was keeping his eyes open for the coveted Editors Choice Award. So, how did the True Streeters do? The top spot was nailed down by Michael Saponara with an average of three runs being a 9.052. For the record, Saponara ran an 8.975 on his second pass. The number two spot was Charles Manchester with a 9.662 average. The quickest 10-second award went to Christopher Patchen with a 10.781. Andy McKee averaged an 11.243 for the 11-second award. Carl Valentine ran a 12.192 for the 12-second award. The 13-second award went to Darryl Buckner with a 13.009. Eric Larson averaged a 14.051 for the 14-second spot and Phil Vincek finished off with a 15.122 for the 15-second award. I guess that 8.9 second e.t. convinced Rod Short because Saponara was also awarded the MM&FF Editors Choice Award.
Now, on to the Showdown Classes. In the Mr. Gasket Pro class, the number one qualifier (again) was Chuck Samuel with a 6.589 at 214.79. Joe DaSilva was next with a 6.720 at 216.24. Right behind DaSilva was Randy Eakins at 6.792 at only 182.14. Brit (were gettin better) Floyd ran a 6.857 at 209.54 for the fourth spot. John Gullet was fifth with a 6.983 at 211.86. And Doug Mangrums new Mustang was sixth with an 11.88 shutting off early. On Sunday morning, prior to eliminations, Mangrum ran a test pass in the mid 6s so it looked like everybody on the ladder had a shot.
Low qualifier Chuck Samuel (lead photo) was also eligible for the Pro Challenge Lottery money, sponsored by USA Motorsports.
In round 1 of eliminations, it was Eakins over Mangrum (7.082, 172.91 to a shutting off Mangrum). Gullet edged DaSilva with a 6.602, 212.06 vs. DaSilvas losing 6.892, 214.89. Both drivers cut identical lights at .074. And Samuel took out Floyd in another super close race, 6.572, 213.87 vs. Brits losing 6.698, 214.74.
In round 2 it was Gullet over Eakins, 6.753, 208.71 vs. 6.822, 209.98, and Samuel made the bye run at 6.571, 214.64.
In the finals it was Samuel ($8,500 richer) over Gullet, 6.550, 215.51 vs. Gullets runner-up 6.882, 208.71.
Six of the best Pro cars in the country put on one whale of a show for the folks.
In the ProCharger Street Outlaw class, the number one qualifier was Georgias own, Mike Calvert. Calvert qualified with a 7.381 at 187.14. Next was Billy Glidden at 7.597 at 157.72. Randy Leavy was picking things up himself at a 7.600 at 181.67 and Terry Strange and the white car were still fixing the bugs at a 8.348 at 164.77.
On Sunday eliminations, it was Leavy making a single when Calvert didnt show (broke engine apparently) and in a battle of the Hoosiers, Glidden won over Strange. In the finals it was Glidden over Leavy with a 7.651 at 172.08 to a tire spinning Leavy.
In the Edelbrock Street Bandit class, it has been a dog fight all season long.
The Bandit regulars include Ken Compton, Matt Jones, Rod Houck,
Cale Aranson, and on a frequent basis, Kurt Neighbor and Richard Lelsz. Gainesville
was no different. And we got to throw in James Black and John Sommerfield into
the mix. Ken Compton qualified first with an 8.820 at 154.18. Matt Jones came
in next at an 8.922, also with a 154.18. Then it was Houck, Lelsz, Aranson,
Black, Neighbor and Sommerfield, respectively.
When it came down to eliminations in the finals, it was Matt Jones over Kenny
Compton with an 8.790 at 155.06 to a losing 8.755 at 154.71. Jones had a .48
better light.
The ProCharger Street Renegade class had a full field of racers, led off by Manny Geno. Geno qualified first with an 8.449 at 166.69. The next six cars were all in the 8s and then there were four more in the 9s. Jason Andron was second at 8.461. Next was DJ Loiacano at 8.549. In fourth place was Ronnie Wilson at 8.565 and in fifth place was Mike (remember me?) Freeman at 8.782.
In the finals on Sunday it was an all Florida showing with Jason Andron winning over Loiacano with an 8.457 at 163.16 to the losing 9.186.
In the BFGoodrich Tire Drag Radial class, it was Big Daddy on top of the qualifying sheet with an 8.209 at 175.91. John Hewlett was next with an 8.794 at 169.91. Dennis Lugo was in third place with a 9.211 at 169.01, followed by the lovely Christine (shes taken) Eldert with a 9.316 at 154.77. Shane Hill was in fifth spot, ready for the fight, but had his problems.
In the finals on Sunday, Dwayne Gutridge was the winner over Hewlett with an 8.309 against the losing 8.696.
Darrell Peterson has owned the Probe Industries Street Warrior class all season long and Gainesville was no exception. Peterson qualified first with a 10.202 at 123.10. In second position was Rob Mollet with a 10.737 at 123.64. The field of five cars was set for Sunday eliminations, and in the finals it was the Floridians, Peterson over Mollet with a 10.426 vs. the losing 10.641.
In the Superchips Street Stang class, there were some tears shed by Tony Whetstone, the Gainesville winner and also the winner of many of the other events in the S/S class. Whetstone won the final event (over Larry Felts) under the old S/S rules, which are being laid to rest. As of the next event in Richmond, Va., the S/S class will revert to a 12.50 index class. Whetstone ran 12.8s all weekend long so he might be the favorite to take home the gold in Richmond, too. Time will tell.
In the Vortech Engineering Focus Frenzy class, we had a switch. Brandy Burd was not in the finals. The eventual winner was Paul Gamino over Brandon Hedges in an all-male clash.
The JDM Tough Truck class had the usual number of pick-ups in competition. In the finals it was an all-Lightning eliminations with Don Justus taking the win over James Keyes, who red lit.
And that brings us to the Steeda/Hyland Mod Motor Madness class. And wonder of wonders, Gary (dont blame me, Im from Alabama) Youngblood took home the big check with a well deserved (and about time) victory over a previous M/M winner, Gentleman Jim Gilbert. It was no easy victory for Gary, who had to drive home after qualifications to deal with a busted trans, and then drive all the way back for the Sunday eliminations.
In the Roush Performance bracket classes on Saturday, it was Robert Perdue over Ron Reid in Fast Ford, Danny Toupe over Jim Lewis in Quick Ford and Paul Gamino over Ray Williams in Street Ford.
On Sunday, it was back to the lanes for the Sunday Roush Performance bracket event. In Fast Ford it was R.L. Smith over Jimmy Harrell Jr., Roy Williams over Mike Lee in Quick Ford and Danny Towe over Paul Gamino in Street Ford.
In the True Street bracket race on Sunday it was Owen Spry over John Harrell for the win.
The next FFW event is in Richmond, Va., June 25, 26 and 27. There are gonna be some big goings-on in Richmond, with the special Drag Radial Race Within The Race shootout brought to us by Innovative Turbo Systems and AirWerks and also the Tough Truck Takedown for the bracket racers, brought to us by the Ford Motor Company, F-Series Brand Team.
See you in Virginia.
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