"I just messed up." — Dave Connolly after losing to teammate Rickie Smith, on being yet another first-round holeshot victim
"Rolling up to the line it was kind of overcast, and I wasn't sure if I should leave my sunglasses on or not. I had been pretty quick all weekend, so I was kind of iffy about taking them off. I left them on, and probably should have taken them off." — Richie Stevens on his holeshot loss to Martino in the second round
“If it had been the final round I might have stayed with it, but in retrospect I know it was the right decision to shut it off and save the car.” — Pawuk on aborting his second-round pass against Line when his car got out of the groove
"My home is in the NHRA, but things didn't work out here exactly the way I had hoped. I started questioning if I was still enjoying myself midsummer, and when that happens, it suddenly hits you that you need to step back and reevaluate what you're doing. I'll be back, but I need a break.” — Coughlin announcing his departure from Don Schumacher Racing shortly after finally breaking into the win column

"This win is every bit as special as the first two, maybe even more, because this is Pomona. Winning the finals and putting your name with the other riders who have won here is really something.” — Ryan Schnitz on his class-leading third win this year, after defeating a redlighting Hines in the final round
"It was certainly a lot tougher to win this year because there were about 10 bikes that could win races.” — Matt Hines on earning his second championship after a first-round win over Chris Rivas while teammate and closest points challenger GT Tonglet lost to Mike Berry
"I'm not in the point race. Even if I win I can't get into the top 10, so we're just focused on winning the race and that's it." — Matt Smith after qualifying on top with a track record 7.000-seconds pass
“I really want to end the 2005 season with a good taste in my mouth." — Antron Brown after qualifying fifth
“I'm at a loss to say why he was so late leaving in that opening round.” — George Bryce, co-owner of Smith’s ride, on Smith’s dreadful .146 reaction that led to a holeshot win for Michael Phillips in round one
"The last few races of the season have been a nightmare for me.” — Brown after losing to Schnitz after they both left with .002 reactions in the second round
"It turns out that I would have beat him given the numbers that we both put up. But, you also have to get the job done at the starting line and that didn't happen today.” — Angelle Sampey on her redlight loss to Chip Ellis in round two
"It was a bittersweet ending to a great season." — Hines on going red just one thousandth of a second ahead of Schnitz, who also left too early in the final, and giving away the event win
“We need a marketing partner to sponsor this bike, and that's what we'll spend our time in the off-season trying to find. I hope this win and having more wins than everyone else in the class will get us some extra attention." — Schnitz on his team’s ongoing search for sponsorship 