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Brandon Tillman, from Moultrie, GA, drove his mid-‘70s Corvette to the DOT win over Gainesville, FL’s Lea Uhler in her Chevy van.

Jessie Harris drove Al Hanna’s Queen of Diamonds jet car to SGMP’s first official 300-plus mph pass with a 301.00 to 300.00 win over Paul Miller in the US1 jet dragster. Harris, 22, is in her third year in the car and has personal best of 5.07 secs and 308 mph.

IHRA at San Antonio [4-5-05]
Mountain Motor Pro Stock Shootout at Rockingham [3-28-05]
ORSCA at Huntsville [3-25-05]
Wheelstander photos from Huntsville [3-25-05]


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