Drag Racing Online: The Magazine

Volume VIII, Issue 3, Page

Words by Chris Martin
Photos by Jeff Burk and Richard Burk

Block that metaphor! What is that guy talking about? “Iron Man”? “Dust”? What, what -- Gary Densham pulls a tri-athlete out of a dust storm and shanghais him to San Antonio Raceway. What McHale, What, what, what!!!!


Words by Chris Martin
Photos by Jeff Burk and Richard Burk

I love to watch history in the making. Drag racing history. I loved attending the ’67 Orange County Manufacturers Funny Car race and the PDA Meet at Lions. ’72 Tulsa. ’75 Ontario. ’93 Topeka … all races with super significance and, in my best Jack Paar imitation – I kid you not – The doings at the 2006 IHRA Amalie Oil Texas Nationals filled the bill. Really, dude!

And cutting to the chase, consider the following within the backdrop of the previously stated.

Click here for more notes and photos from San Antonio

Allow me to illustrate.

The “dust” part? For the first time since September 1992 at the IHRA Northern Nationals in Epping, New Hampshire, an IHRA national event Funny Car winner was crowned. For the first time in 14 years, the IHRA nitro Funny Car winner’s circle had an occupant. In a particularly deranged moment, those 14 seasons back, IHRA management humped the shark and slit the Funny Car class’s throat, deciding to leave it parked. Gathering “dust” as it were. However, they changed their minds late last year, and it was Gary Densham and the Racebricks 2005 Monte Carlo who stepped to the fore and jerked the spotlight from the stagehands and focused it on themselves at this year’s IHRA opener, the Amalie Oil Texas Nationals.

“Iron Man?” According to the noise from their timing tower that’s what they call their winner’s trophy. Makes sense to me. Sure as hell ain’t gonna call it a “Wally.” A “willie?” Fuggettaboutit.


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