Drag Racing Online: The Magazine

Volume VIII, Issue 7, Page
Words by Jeff Burk
Photos by Mark Rebilas

Eventual Top Fuel Hydro winner Dale Ishumaru gives a thumbs up to his crew before racing in the final round where he was declared the winner after his opponent failed to stage in time.

DRO Staffer Mark Rebilas made a trip to shoot the IHBA  sanctioned 21st Annual Southern Nationals on the Savannah River near Augusta, GA. He reported that the races were good, but slightly boring until the last day, Sunday, when Top Fuel Hydro driver John Hass who has recorded the fastest speed for a fuel Hydro at over 258 mph dumped his boat at the end of a 4.73/252.74 lap. Ironically, the Top Fuel Hydro boats were basically an exhibition class. Dale Ishumaru was the winner of the Top Fuel Hydro exhibition.

Top Alcohol Hydro Driver Andy Reynolds also had a bad crash that Mark got this sequence of, thankfully Mr. Reynolds, like Mr. Hass was unhurt probably due to the enclosed cockpit and safety equipment that is now standard on these types of boats. DRO attempted to get full results of the race but wasn’t able to so we are offering this pictorial and hope to have full results from the next IHBA event we cover.

Andy Reynolds crash