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Friday, Pro
W: Ken "Chevy Too Much" Parsons, Alburquerque, NM, '66 Chevy II
RU: Dwight "Bustin' Loose Jr." Downing, Phoenix, AZ, '78 Arrow

W: Jeff Stout, Phoenix, AZ, '85 Monte Carlo Super Stock/C Automatic
RU: Mike Benefico, Mt. Charleston, NV, mid-era Firebird with no hood

Saturday, Pro
W: Professor Jack Beckman, North Hills, CA, '98 CCE dragster with a canopy
RU: Thomas Bayer, Alta Loma, CA, 2000

W: Scott "Class of '55" Horsley, Las Vegas, '55 Chevy
RU: Mark Meier, Las Vegas, '72 Vega

Sunday Pro
W: Noel Zweigler, Tuscon, AZ, '76 Vega
RU: Kenny Teer, Torrance, CA, 2000 Cameron dragster

W: Tom Peters, Glendale, AZ, '76 Vega
RU: Shawn Langdon, Bloomington, CA, 2001 Silverado streeter


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