"We thought the problem was in the body," Force said. "It turns
out the motor was weak and the steering arm had too much play in it.
(As) soon as we put the chassis back like it was, the steering was there."
Force tested the car Monday with the body in place but without the
extra chassis components and was satisfied with the results.
"We blew a spark plug out of the motor and threw the (supercharger
drive) belt off, but I could steer it," Force said. "I never thought
there was anything wrong with the body, really, but we had so many problems
that it was just better to go back to square one and start over."
new body, distinctive because of the location of the parachutes
(below the taillights on either side of the rear deck) and the configuration
of the rear stabilizer, was designed to provide additional downforce
in conditions likely to prevail this weekend - heat and humidity.
Last week it was decided that the body actually worked too well,
producing maximum downforce but at the same time causing additional
drag which may have contributed to both the steering and horsepower
problems. As a result, minor changes were made for this week's
race in which Force is the defending Funny Car Champion.