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Jerry Smith, from South Westerlo, NY, ran a personal best 8.247 at 163.59 in the same 1968 Nova-bodied flopper that his brother built and raced in the 1970s. The car is now equipped with a 468 c.i. injected alcohol powerplant and still runs on M&H 12-inch slicks.

Jungle Pam does what she does best for Bruce Larson in his restored USA-1 1968 Camaro.

The unofficial DRO Long Distance award goes to Mike "Lightfoot" Adams, who flew in from Phoenix, AZ, to drive his nitro-burning, 482 c.i. Keith Black-powered, mid-'70s Corvette for the first time in more than two years. The car is based in Mt. Pleasant, TX, with crew chief Dale Riggs.

One of the most famous cars in attendance, Gene Snow's "Rambunctious" '71 Charger, didn't make a pass because the owner can't find anyone short enough to drive it. The car was the first of 12 built and carries a 477 KB hemi in its original Logghe chassis.


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