Jerry Smith, from South Westerlo, NY, ran a personal best
8.247 at 163.59 in the same 1968 Nova-bodied flopper that his brother
built and raced in the 1970s. The car is now equipped with a 468 c.i.
injected alcohol powerplant and still runs on M&H 12-inch slicks.
Jungle Pam does what she does best for Bruce
Larson in his restored USA-1 1968 Camaro. |
The unofficial DRO Long Distance award goes
to Mike "Lightfoot" Adams, who flew in from Phoenix, AZ,
to drive his nitro-burning, 482 c.i. Keith Black-powered, mid-'70s
Corvette for the first time in more than two years. The car is based
in Mt. Pleasant, TX, with crew chief Dale Riggs. |
One of the most famous cars in attendance,
Gene Snow's "Rambunctious" '71 Charger, didn't make a
pass because the owner can't find anyone short enough to drive it.
The car was the first of 12 built and carries a 477 KB hemi in its
original Logghe chassis. |
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