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In a word, Bakersfield was bitchin'! Three new "pro" categories, dozens of brand-new race cars, and the largest three-day crowd since the Sixties are all indicators of a healthy, growing motorsport. Moreover, not a single drop of oil spewed from a fuel car throughout eliminations!

Anyone who actually attended this 41st-anniversary March Meet could be expected to take exception with a comment by one of my esteemed colleagues in this very edition of Drag Racing Online. In comparing the modern March Meet to the original Smokers Car Club editions, my buddy Chris Martin describes the annual Goodguys presentation as "half full," likening the nostalgia version to March Meets of the mid-1970s, when the show was well into its decline. Since my old pal spent last weekend in St. Louis, instead of Famoso, I'm inclined to forgive Martin for his erroneous assumption. According to no less an expert than Jim Murphy, "These are the good old days!"



    1. Roger Lechtenberg, 6.079 (QF);
    2. Butch Blair, 6.10 (QF);
    3. Bill Alexander, 6.11 (W);
    4. Rance McDaniel, 6.12 (SF);
    5. Gerry Steiner, 6.15 (SF);
    6. Jim Murphy, 6.15 (RU);
    7. Lee Jennings, 6.19 (QF);
    8. Larry Gotelli, 6.202 (QF).


  1. Rick McGee, 6.207 (W);
  2. Mike McLennan, 6.23 (QF);
  3. Tim Gibson, 6.29 (RU);
  4. Jason Howell, 6.29 (SF);
  5. Neil Bisciglia, 6.31 (DNS*);
  6. Bill Dunlap, 6.33 (SF);
  7. Mark Malde, 6.37 (QF);
  8. Kirk Kuhns, 6.455 (QF);
  9. Howard Haight*, 6.525 (QF).


Jack Harris, 6.54;
Ty Norton, 6.59;
Fred Bach, 6.73;
Hans Kuesel, 6.73;
Kent Terry, 6.78;
Larry Huff, 6.79;
Ron Hope, 8.45;
Jim Boyd, 9.52;
Denver Schutz, 9.83;
Pierre Poncia, 13.67.


    1. Steve Woods, 6.935 (SF);
    2. Steve Wood, 7.06 (SF);
    3. Gary Reinero, 7.11 (W);
    4. Mike Leonard, 7.12 (RU);
    5. Rich Roberts, 7.34 (QF);
    6. Rick Souza, 7.54 (QF);
    7. Ron Nunes, 7.78 (QF).



      1. Kin Bates, 6.699 (QF);
      2. Jim Paul, 6.77 (RU);
      3. Steve San Paolo, 6.91 (W);
      4. Jason Richey, 7.02 (SF);
      5. Bill Genco, 7.03 (SF);
      6. Dusty Renteria, 7.11 (QF);
      7. Rick White, 7.12 (QF);
      8. Sean Bellemeur, 7.769 (QF).
      1. Don Enriquez, 7.287 (W);
      2. Stacy Paul, 7.39 (SF);
      3. Mike Chrisman, 7.40 (RU);
      4. Bill Wayne, 7.48 (SF);
      5. Wayne Ramay, 7.48 (QF);
      6. Adam Yashuk, 7.51 (QF);
      7. Kelly Craig, 7.55 (QF);
      8. Cam McCallum, 7.73 (QF);
      9. Todd Movius, 7.74 (1RD);
      10. Dan Fanton, 7.80 (1RD);
      11. Bud Hammer, 7.89 (1RD);
      12. Ron Hier, 7.91 (1RD);
      13. Jim Swedberg, 7.93 (1RD);
      14. Mike Estrada, 8.21 (1RD);
      15. Elmer Sawyer, 9.77 (1RD).


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