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Saturday featured a little controversy about the mid-afternoon point when race officials unexpectedly announced that because of complaints from racers about excessive wind at the top end of the track, the race would be changed to a 1/8-mile event for that day only. This provoked a storm of protest from the majority, however, and within 15 minutes the decision was reversed and the day went off safely without a hitch.

Vero Beach, FL's Dick Arbitelle had the highest-finishing door car in the final point standings. Arbitelle's best daily finish was a final-round loss on Day 3 to Scott Weney, but he put together a fifth-overall effort behind Peter Biondo, Weney, Mike Bloomfield, and Day 4 winner Nick Folk.

Two native Floridians kept their eyes on the track, even while mingling with racers in the staging lanes at Moroso Motorsports Park.

Mike Lubniewski, from Holbroom, NY, placed 36th overall in his 1986 T-Bird.


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