"He just plain kicked my butt. That's a quote." -- Craig Treble after his first-round loss to Blaine Hale

"At half-track I saw the win light on in the other lane and knew I must have gone red. At that point I just let off the throttle, but the team and I know the bike was fast enough to win."
-- Steve Johnson after his -.003 foul against eventual race winner Michael Phillips in the opening round

"My bike went from second gear to fourth gear, and once that happened, I didn't have a chance." -- Antron Brown on his loss to Reggie Showers in round one

"We could've run closer than we did, but I missed a shift point and we were slightly off on the tune-up because we didn't get enough data due to not completing that second run, so we came up too short." -- Geno Scali after losing to Angelle Savoie in the semis, referring to his off- the-pace win over a -.001 redlighting Shawn Gann in round two

"The RPM selector had a malfunction at the starting line which caused the RPMs to rev too high and I ended up smoking the tire." -- Savoie explaining what happened in the final against Phillips, who left with a holeshot

"I called my old boss Harry Lartigue after the first round because I was having some clutch problems. Everybody thinks there is a lot of animosity between him and I, but that isn't right. We just both wanted to do things our way. He gave me a pretty good tune-up over the phone." -- Phillips after earning the second national-event title of his career -- eight years after the first

Previous Stories
IHRA at Budd's Creek — 10/6/03
NMCA at Columbus
— 10/2/03

NHRA at Joliet
— 10/1/03
NHRA Quotes from Joliet — 10/1/03

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