“We made some adjustments to the wing and we think it might have made the front end a little too light. It was on a 4.71 run but then made a hard move to the right and it was all over. It’s something I’ve never encountered before as a driver. The car just wasn’t
responding to what I was doing.” -- T. Pedregon on crossing the center line and giving a round two win to Force

“We had a little divine intervention against Tony [Pedregon] in Round 2. It was over for us. The car wouldn’t fire and we had all kinds of trouble. I was hoping it would rain again. Then it started for the burnout and I did a big, ol’ long one to try to spark it to life. That didn’t work and Coil told me to shut her off. I said, ‘Let’s give her 100 feet.’ Then I see Tony cross the line and I just got it down the track.” -- Force on getting lucky in Chicago

“We were looking to go a little faster than we did in the first round. But it was good enough to get the win and we were happy with that. Then second round we just hopped it up enough that we thought it would go down the track faster, but we wouldn’t have beat a 76.” -- Wilkerson on the 4.847 he ran against C. Pedregon and his losing 4.818 against Bazemore in round two

“I think we’ve turned our whole program around.” -- Tony Bartone after going to his career-first semi-final round, but losing against Bazemore

“The national record is fine for your ego and it’s cool, but what’s more important, I think, right now, is being able to go down the track on a hot track and being competitive there.”
-- Bazemore on officially setting the national e.t. record to 4.713 seconds in the semis (backed up by his 4.731 in qualifying) at a world’s fastest 333.25 mph.

“It’s disappointing to lose. No matter how good the rest of the weekend is, you come to win the race.” -- Bazemore on going up in smoke against Force in the final round

“We had a strategy. We talked and knew that Bazemore was gonna be the points leader because he had the national record. So [crew chief Austin] Coil says. ‘Go in shallow and we can get it and then we’ll be in the lead.’ I said, ‘No, let’s get the win,’ because I know that you’re on the edge when you run for the national record.” -- Force again, on playing it safe to win his second event of the year


“This afternoon we discovered a very unusual problem with one of our rear shocks, which had contributed to the phenomena of our car pulling to the right during the last two races. We replaced the set with another that we had a good data set on, and actually improved our sixty-foot time.” -- Warren Johnson on improving in each qualifying pass until ending up 6th for raceday

“I went through my normal starting line routine but I think I put the car in deep (too close to the starting line), and when I let out the clutch, it was just a tad too soon. … You can blame that one on the driver.” -- Kenny Koretsky on his .006 red light loss to Kurt Johnson in round one

“Even if I’d cut a perfect light, it wouldn’t have made difference.” -- Jim Yates after his opening-round loss with a .009 red light against Jason Line, who went 6.833 secs

“We were expecting to go a couple of more rounds today. We made a couple of errors that prevented us from being more of a threat on race day.” -- Jeg Coughlin Jr. after losing to Dave Connolly in round two

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