Guys, Thanks for the photos of Hairy on your sight. The folks of the
Olds Clubs of Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota and Wisconsin have all worked
with me over the last five years to restore this car. We have 36 different
manufacturers and distributors that have contributed parts. This car
has mostly been restored with volunteer labor and sponsored parts. This
five-year project will be completed next year and then donated to the
NHRA Museum. For all of the memorabilia fans a 1/18th scale car is in
the works by a new company called Highway 61. This company is based
here in Iowa and is owned by Fred Ertle. He has brought lots of talent
along with him into the new company.
Thanks again for the pictures and including the car in
the dual engine coverage also.
Dennis Mothershed
Des Moines, Iowa
PS. Greg Sharp of the NHRA Museum told me about your web site.
Mr Chris Martin:
Great column on the farewell of Winston! I can see myself
in many of the same situations you got into at Pomona. Looking back
on seeing Mr Burk at Orlando gave me thought to how age appears to be
overcoming all of us. You have hit on the secret, I do believe friend.
That is to not ever grow old and to never, ever forget all of our friends,
both new and old.
Keep well,
Camp Stanley
PS: I most wholeheartedly agree with the descriptive term for our
"Saint John".
You made a great point in that they could show some highlights
from the Sportsman ranks during a 6-hour show.
As an example from the Pomona finals, the winners from
each sportsman class should have been and always should be, shown in
text in the end. When you watch it on TV you don't even think there
were any Sportsman racers there.
The winners should be shown together with the television
date for the Sportsman upcoming Television coverage.
That's a change I think needs to be made. The Sportsman
racers are bringing in a great deal of money in Entry/crew fees to NHRA
so it is not to much to ask for at least some text in the end of each
Keep up your good work.
Birgitta Ibergquvist
I find it interesting that on 10/25 they have a press
release on the tape that professed "don't worry about us bowing out,
we are very dedicated to the sportsman racer & will make changes in
the structure to reward low qualifiers" etc., etc. Then on 11/27 they
bow out. Guess the good news is I can take their required "billboard"
off the car now.
Scott Dean
Bellevue, WA
Response to Blast 11-19-01:
Thanks for some food for thought. We were starving. Noticed
the wipeout of IHRA television coverage. Tuned in late in the year to
see Millican/Kloeber march to title. Did I miss something? No coverage?
Too many fuel races are foiled by blower belt failures.
Mike Kloeber better get some patent drawings going. May be on to something.
Hey man! It sheared the crank pulley off!
The obvious solution to burnout vs. top end interview
TV production problems is the 'picture within a picture' window format.
Burnouts on big screen. Interviews in the window.
SCOTTY and BAZE Wow!! These two had better lay their huge
egos to rest for a few months. BAZE really choked and whined at the
NHRA finals and we are going to find out if SCOTTY can drive a Lee Beard
tuned fuel coupe! Don Schumacker must have recognized the 125% competitive
nature of both of these guys. What a tag team! Hope it works.
Yes, it appears as though John Force has "full roaming"
clout with the NHRA officials. I can remember breathing a sigh of relief
about three years ago when they got him to stop cursing during interviews
on ESPN.
John, Austin, Bernie, and Prock are "chicken sh--" if
they don't go Top Fuel racing! I hope circumstances do not force John's
daughter into fuel racing too quickly. We trust you John.
Hail to the King! Kenny Bernstein is the Champion! He
is a true drag racing legend. Great job men!
Got an autograph from "LARGE FATHER" at Indy this year.
Thrilled to see him qualify. Needs to let it go after Pomona embarrassment.
Remember Neil Bonnett?
Don Garlits is defiantly one of the greatest drivers of
drag racing's first 50 years. But let there be no mistake made.
John Force is now the "Greatest Champion Driver" of all
drag history.
Randy Watkins (RW)
Bristol USA
In regards to Burk's latest ramblings, (11-19-01) at the
World Finals or whatever the hell they call them now, Angelle Savoie
said that she would be back next year, sponsor or no. And yes, NHRA
did announce a "re-classification" for the Pro Stock trucks, there will
be a specific Comp class or they can even run them in Super Gas or Super
Comp.....oh yeayyy!
Charlie Nichols
Imperial, CA
I love dr on line. I have finally found a great source
of drag racing news. NHRA is great but a little too protective of its
image. Keep up the good work.
Mike Gilligan