Jok stated something that I've believed for quite awhile now. Buybacks
have hurt, and are continuing to hurt, bracket racing. I believe that
buybacks may have been responsible for driving many competitors out
of the sport entirely. That's a bold thing to say, but have a hard look
around. I tip my hat to Jok for writing this article. The more vocal
bracketeers often tend to be those that actually like buybacks. I suspect
he'll catch more than a little flack over taking this position. I always
do. By the way, I have never, ever bought a round win and intend to
keep it that way.
Take care.
Tom Worthington.
Did you all see the coverage of the 50th anniversary Special on the
television? I thought that an anniversary was supposed to be an honor
for all involved! Guess that the Nostalgia Nitro cars got duped, and
badly at that! To me it was a joke for them to say the Nostalgia cars
were there for a celebration! Of what? No coverage, no passes on the
t.v., no nothing ! I was totally at a loss because I felt that they
should get as much or MORE coverage! Where did the sport start? It wasn't
with floppers or rear motor cars, but with front motored and door cars!
Boy, was this fan very disappointed, WERE YOU?? Did you want to see
what NITRO at night looked like in a past era?? I sure did. Maybe NHRA
should stand for No Honor for Racers Association. I didn't think that
but from what I saw it could be! If you feel the same way drop NHRA
a line and LET THEM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL! Also there are other sites to
let them know what a blunder that NHRA did, RPM.ESPN is another site
and Competition plus is another! If all else fails drop me a line at
clipperw@yahoo.com. Let the masses know how you feel!!
Clipper Wallace
Neodesha, KS
P.S. Also note that on Thursday's NHRA HEAT show supposedly
Nostalgia and Pro Mods get "some air" time. Kinda late but air is air.
I want to let all of you at Drag Racing Online know what a great job
you are doing. I really appreciate all the behind the scenes information
about NHRA Drag Racing that is available on your site. When I go to
NHRA.com it has good information, however they only print the sanitized
versions of what is going on at NHRA, whereas you guys give the complete
picture of what is happening. I check your site every day, and it is
very interesting to read your viewpoints on drag racing in general.
Please keep up the great work you have been doing.
Thank You Very Much!
Eric Callow
Nice column on Cleo (by Chris Martin). I felt just the way you did when
I read about her exploits. I had the honor to meet her at a national
event in Epping in the early nineties, where she was racing with her
son. You were right, she was a ticket. I'm sure she was used to it by
the, but she was very modest and seemed both flattered an a bit embarrassed
by the attention she got. Bottom line: I thought she was the best and
still do, and I'll always remember meeting her. If that lady wasn't
an inspiration, who would be?
Bill Horton
West Hartford, CT
In a previous letter to this column I called the Goodguys race at IRP
a "Bull Shit" race. I apologize to all Goodguys members and to the Goodguys
staff and event people for that remark. Without this event, the majority
of us wouldn't have a venue to race at a nostalgia event of this magnitude.
It is an awesome event, attended by many who travel great distances
to compete. It is the marquee event in the Eastern part of these United
States for all of us who love nostalgia racing. Keep up the good work
Goodguys. We only could hope that maybe someday you could bring us a
few more races in this area or even a championship series such as the
one you run on the West Coast. I was upset by the turnout at Cordova,
it was and has nothing to do with you guys.
My deepest apologies.
Dennis Kennelly
AA Gassers Association
By the time you get this, the real news will have been announced about
NHRA/Cali Speedway, but here goes. The track is a temporary deal for
the vagabond street legal crowd who were booted from Pomona last year.
As of now there are no permanent facilities except for a concrete launch
pad. Everything else will be shuttled in for the drag racing and carted
back to the storage shed for the "big" races (CART, NASCAR, etc.). Now
if there are any plans for a future "National Event Track" they certainly
aren't saying anything to anyone. But it does bring to mind a question
some people have had for a while now;: What is the long term status
of Pomona? Given the political pressure which led to the demise of the
Street Legal deal in the first place, how long before the locals say
"Hell, we got rid of some of the bastards, let's go after the rest of
'em!" (besides, if noise was the main complaint, how much sense does
it make to move the muffled, small block/import crowd, and keep the
unmuffled, earth-shattering fuelers, Pro Stock, etc?)
Charlie Nichols
Well, I see there is a new movie coming out that puts glamour into the
deadly world of "Street Racing". Hello, I am Lt. Tommy Hansen, Galveston
County Sheriff's Office, Galveston, Texas. I am also a PROUD member
of Beat The Heat, Inc. You guys know us, were the 200 teams around the
US and Canada with the police and fire drag cars. We are the guys and
gals that did over 750 events last year in 27 States and 3 Canadian
Providence's. We are the guys that came in direct contact with over
1.3 million of your kids and attempted to educate them about the dangers
of Street Racing. By the way, all of this was done with NO TAX DOLLARS!!!
To all who street race or to those who are thinking about it. Let'’s
put you in our shoes. If all who do this or those who choose to Drink
And Drive could smell death, see death, feel death and even taste death
like your law enforcement officers and fireman do daily, I would hope
you will think twice about the results.
NO more soap box. I love your site and invite all to visit Beat the
Heat at beattheheatinc.org.
Find a local team in your area. They would be glad to hear from you
and would love to do a race, fund raiser, school event, etc. No charge
of course! Beat The Heat, Inc. motto: "Racing for Education"
Please visit the award winning site of our team, Tropical Impression
Racing, www.beattheheat.com
Thanks to all and God Bless and Race Safe
Lt. Tommy Hansen
Our team motto: "Street Racing is not Drag Racing"
Helluva column on Pro Stock, dude - I really enjoyed that.
Thomas Pope