I also found the chemistry between Skuza and
Evans to be entertaining but I thought the show
was not very interesting. It seemed to feature
cars with those oh-so-ugly oversized wheels,
you know the 18-24 inchers that are overstyled
and distracting. Somehow the "Conestoga Wagon"
look has come into favor with no regard to if
they fit the proportions of the vehicle. Popular
Hot Rodding seems to follow this trend on both
the TV show and in the magazine. Perhaps a different
direction would have made a difference in the
continuation of the program.
The nitro Harleys are a crazy means of drag
racing and certainly attention getting but let's
face it a Harley-only class in discriminatory
to more efficient brands. While American manufacturers
need to be supported, the Harley is one of poor
efficiency and outdated design. Harley riders
should be embarrassed as their loud-mouthed
1000+ c.c.s of machinery are dissected by motorcycles
of as small as 550 c.c.s with superior acceleration,
top speed, fuel mileage and handling. The comparison
is reminiscent of a fat trash-talking 6th grader
on the elementary school playground getting
beat up by a third grader. A seemingly majority
of Harley riders are posers to a bad-boy image
with a motorcycle that needs constant rule changes
to be competitive in most racing venues. Even
NHRA can't allow them enough advantages to make
them contenders in their Pro-Stock class.
Sometimes evolution eliminates weaker venues
and perhaps PHR-TV and Nitro-Harley drag racing
have been swallowed in their version of the
Le Brea tar pit.
Len Rickards
Couldn't agree more with (Jok's) comments in
DragRacingOnline. It's all about getting racers
to spend more money on new equipment from their
advertisers it appears. I can't understand any
other reason to come off with such a half-assed
(and half effective) decision.
I am just getting into Super class racing,
and can only say I'm glad to NOT have spent
money on all my electronics yet, BUT, what do
I now buy? I am a working class stiff doing
all this out of my pocket as I try and make
a living and support my family out of a 50 hour
a week job. I can't afford to buy electronics
now...and because an advertiser in National
Dragster complains about poor economic conditions,
I am forced to buy again? Once again NHRA squeezes
the working sportsman racer. We all don't run
Top Fuel and Funny Car with their (deserved)
huge budgets. In my opinion, Stock and especially
Super Stock are the closest to true REAL racing,
by far the most exciting to me, and maybe other
than Super Gas or Super Comp, the only class
I could ever potentially run, and with a lot
of luck, get into.
Kudos to you, you hit the nail on the head.
Good luck racing in 2003!
CWR Racing
Syracuse, NY
I couldn't have said it any better! I run in
Super Street in div. 6 and use a Mega 400 box,
that took me months to pay for. I could of stayed
with my old equipment if I realized these people
were brain dead. What's wrong with surprise
inspections, or protests, I'm sure racers would
welcome that. Now I have to dig deep again,
will it end? Educate the tech guys, don't make
us pay!
Steve Lowe
This is a classic case of a rule change to
sell products for high level sponsors. The seat
belt rule and helmet rule come to mind as other
"take care of the advertising sponsors" method
the NHRA and IHRA have made of late. To bad
money for the racing body is the primary motivator
in these matters, not safety or stopping alledged
Wayne Benedict
What is a "West Coast Econo Funny car"?????
I have the same motor that Mike (Stewart) has,
and I'm trying to run the same ET's! The only
"Econo" thing about this funny car is my budget.
And I'm looking forward to coming back there
and running at an excellent track with good
air. I keep telling Mike, "the only thing I
want to do is get this car ready for Cordova."
Keep up the good writhing (sic), I enjoy it.
Mack Moffat