Okay, here ya go! It's the old Speedwagon driven by Dave Koehler. -- Burk


I could almost agree entirely with the latest "Blast" if not for one issue... the complete and utter lack of respect shown the average sportsman racer. From the nazi director of pit control who talks to you like you're gum on his shoe, to the "ivory tower's" complete
disregard of the racers' opinions and/or concerns, there is no reason we should be "grateful" to be treated as we are most times. Yes, we get to race at premier facilities but we do pay for that privilege! They should at least show us the same respect they show the paying customers coming through the front gate.

Granted, the sportsman racers do not provide a financial windfall to NHRA. But we sure don't cost them anything either. And I think your figures on cost are a little soft, too. Entry fees alone are $200 for each and every sportsman racer. Considering an event crew pass is a minimum of $75. I'd bet the average number of crew passes per entry is easily 1.5, you can see why I don't agree with your financial totals.

Keep up the great thought provoking commentary!

Your deranged Super Class racing reader...

Greg Stanley


Great article and dead on. First, let me say I am a 35 year veteran of NHRA racing and have ran SC for the last ten years in division 3. I hope every sportsman racer in the country who thinks NHRA National events are their god-given right to run reads your editorial.

NHRA can run national events without us and from a purely business point would probably be better off if they eliminated sportsman racers from national events.

Last weekend because there were no NHRA races we could attend, I and my driver went to the IHRA race in Cordova. The race was very sportsman friendly, well run, and paid well, yet all the NHRA sportsman racers who tend to bitch never showed up.

My suggestion to all the unhappy NHRA sportsman racers would be race somewhere else or shut-up.

Bob Bommarito



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