Before painting your wheels I'd suggest checking
the nose height of your car. If it is slightly
low and the lights at the line are slightly
high you will experience exactly the scenario
you describe. If the lamps are truly infrared
(if you can see them they are not unless your
ancestors came from another planet) it is
almost impossible for the sensors to read
reflections since they are supposed to be
frequency matched to the emitter.
I have seen this happen a few times. Most
times it is on dragsters whose nose is too
low. They trip the beams with some part of
the nose and when they leave the nose lifts
slightly and they timers start causing a red
light by about the same amount the 60 ft time
slows down. Four link cars are slightly more
susceptible to this since the rear end can
sink not only on the tires but on the suspension.
The other thing I have seen is front wheels
with spokes where the beam is broken by the
alignment of a left and right wheel spoke.
This used to be common with wire wheels. People
used to put circular pieces of something in
the wheels so this wouldn't happen.
In any event if you are the only one this
is happening to it's your car for one reason
or another. If not the track has a sensor
Don't feel bad about your racing this year.
At least you are racing. Around here it has
rained every day/night I was planning to race
since April. My golf game has really improved
since if it is going to rain in the afternoon
or night I can usually get in 18 holes before
the downpour.
Ron Burke
I read Chris Martin's "Bleacher Creatures"
article, and it reminded me of a night at
Lions Drag Strip. Evil Kneivel was there to
do a motorcycle jump, and this was being filmed
as part of a movie on Evil's life. I think
this was around 1971 or so. Anyhoo, there
were about 6 gazillion fans to see Evil, and
when it came time for him to make the jump,
one guy started yelling to his friends, and
a bunch of people poured out onto the edge
of the track. Management was having a cow,
but finally got the crowd to sit down. Evil
made the jump, and the crowd went back to
their seats. Another "sour deal" was at the
Last Drag Race at Lions, in Dec 1972. Fans
had been told that they could take home souvenirs
of the track after the race was over. However,
a few zealous souls (I didn't want to say
idiots) decided to start taking apart the
steel guardrails at the top end. This had
to be stopped so the race could finish. ARGHHHHHH
Anyway, just thought I'd write about a few
crazy memories.
Cliff Morgan
Everyone has an opinion and, of course, so
do I. I bracket raced for 20+ years. Yup,
it is boring for spectators. About the only
thing worse would be "super classes." Cars
that jump off the line and then shut down
at varying points on the track for varying
numbers of seconds are ridiculous and not
entertaining. Comp eliminator has some appeal
but not many would run weekly nor would they
draw enough crowd to pay for themselves. Those
folks who go to the local stock car track
see head to head racing with lots of action
of class. There is none of the breakout/handicap
nonsense visible to the spectator. Weekly programs
at drag strips have evolved to where they have
to be. The program has to pretty much support
itself with entry fees and payouts balancing
each other and spectators providing a bonus.
I can no longer keep up with the motor home/enclosed
trailer/tube chassis/electronics crowd who
want to go Friday night and stay 'til Sunday
night (here in our little corner of Atlantic
Canada). They have some strong numbers and
more power to them. I'd like to go have some
fun for a few hours and get use out of a car.
I'd like to see some local street legal drags.
Have a safe secure facility where real street
driven cars can come out and try for supremacy
over their perceived competition. If the cost
of entry and spectator admission were reasonable,
I think spectators as well as "racers" would
show up in good numbers. It used to be that
people would show up to see if the Chevelle,
Road Runner or Mustang was the hot car. The
same would happen with the Acuras, Hondas,
etc. today. The guys with the American muscle
could show up as well, whether it is an old
version or a new one. I'd be there to run
my Camaro for sure. (No prize money or trophies
required.) Wait a minute, isn't that the way
all this got started?
Don Seamans
RE: Mark Thomas
This really sux. Mark is such a great guy
and for this to happen to such a nice guy
pisses me off too. There are jealous people
in the world and this is what jealous people
In Memphis one year, some jerk pitched a
rock down my hood scoop and wouldn't ya know
it, it got hung between the valve and then
shattered on top of the piston. Memphis has
video coverage of the staging lanes and the
tape was rolling when the pitching took place.
But guess what...the tape got erased by accident.
I had NO idea what the three guys that walked
up after my crew went to the line was doing.
They knew what they where doing though. Too
bad I didn't pay closer attention. I do now
Sorry for your troubles, Mark. Just think
about who is the most jealous and you will
find your problem.
(Annette Summer)