
Just finished reading your editorial (9/30/04) and will admit that you touched on a few areas of interest.

I also read your article regarding the FCN in St Louis. I thought it was written well enough considering what happened during the weekend. You as a spectator, did not feel that you received value for your dollar. Point taken and understood. While I did not agree entirely with your opinion of these cars, I do understand your position and take your comments as areas that need to be addressed and items that need to be worked on. I would imagine that the majority of people attacking you are neither car owners nor drivers, just passionate fans. And sometimes reality is a bitter pill to swallow.

St. Louis for me was an eye opener. I have strived over the past couple of years to be as 'legal' as possible, but neither the VRA or the NHRA endorses anything that would be or could be considered rules. They label merely as guidelines. We have since decided to go with the 'outlaw' moniker and build it as we see fit. In my opinion, this will offer a better show and more entertainment value.

In closing, thanks for what you have done to cover our cars and I personally want to thank you for having chosen my car for the cover.

Frank Jonkman


I can see your point. I think the AMS guys are trying to simplify the class & get the cars faster at the same time. NHRA is lazy when it comes to trying to regulate parity within a class. They would rather not deal with bureaucracy that is involved with the rules making process. I don't like the body rules at all. Not to be able to run the new body styles is ridiculous!

As far as having to building new cars. I think AMS feels that they are providing an atmosphere to where the racers can justify the investment for new cars. This is just another part of the evolution of PRO MOD.

Personally I think that nitrous is too dangerous to try to make the horsepower required to run with the blower cars.

Good editorial.

Dan Griffith


Do I believe what the NHRA did to the Pro Stock Trucks is right? NO...but, they did give them a place to race, in Comp. Look at what NHRA continues to do the alcohol ranks. They provide no support, kick them to the side for Pro Mod. They screw with their schedule at national events and sometimes even cut the number of runs. This class, even as costly as it has become, is treated like a red headed stepchild.

What class do they expect to draw on the regional level? It's the alcohol cars. There is no respect given to them from NHRA any other time, though.

In today's society everyone can sue for something but, you sometimes take your lumps. You don't have to race, it's a privilege, and odds are someone out there who has been around longer is getting screwed to also. Isn't that what makes America great. LOL.

Don't screw every other drag racer in America by putting NHRA in a position where none of us will be able to race again.

Joel Rickard

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